The Power Of 4 U’s In Your Copywriting, Marketing And Ad Copy Making More Money The Easy Way!

  The Power Of 4 U's In Your Copywriting, Marketing And Ad Copy Making More Money The Easy Way! By: Sandi Krakowski When you sit down to write one of your first advertising campaigns there is a 'compass' that will create better conversions, more repeat business and referrals. It's the power of the 4 U's in all of your marketing and copywriting.  Let's walk through the 4 U's in such a way that you'll never forget. It will become easier than ever for you to direct your focus with every campaign you write. The first "U" is the word urgent. You must solve a problem, concern or challenge with your product or service. It must be a problem that is urgent, one that is demanding a result NOW! What urgent, pressing problem do you [...]

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I’m looking for ONE person to give $3,000 to!

I'm looking for ONE person to give $3,000 to!   WOW! You guys are UTTERLY amazing! We have these updates to give you today and then we're OFF to the races.... where I'm on a HUNT to find the best business plan and who will be the ONE I give $3000 to at The Social Media Smartphone GPS Summit! Total seats available in the room - 32.  That's right! Thirty two seats LEFT! Total seats left at the VIPs session with Gary Vee- 27! ONLY twenty seven! Now... every person who got a paid seat to be at the event is now in a contest, from now until September 15th at 12:01 pm ET. I'm looking for the BEST business plan! Let me forewarn you- most of what Small Business Schools, Colleges and Corporate Organizations teach [...]

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The Porcelain Professional And The New Way To Do Business

The Porcelain Professional And The New Way To Do Business By: Sandi Krakowski   Have you noticed that the face of professionals and business owners is changing? No longer do Alpha-Dogs who dictate the path to success last. People don't want to be yelled at or told, "No opinions, no suggestions, just do what I say." People need connection. Gone are the days when you 'brag' about the connections you have and isolate yourself in a community where only those in your Rolodex have access. Social Media has made the playing group of major companies on the Inc 500 list of successful companies equal with a no-name just starting out. In today's economy, if you don't connect with your audience and have relationship with them you will be flat lined before you know what [...]

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You can DEPEND on me…..

  We interrupt our regularly scheduled content on this blog with a heart-felt note. From me to you. There's one thing you can depend on me for... I'm going to push you. Now I realize this is pretty risky, considering most of you have never met me in person and we merely connect through the internet. But let me tell you a few pieces of my story that you might not have yet. My background is not a fast-track for success in a home that modeled and raised me up so that I'd be everything I was designed to be. No, far from it. My childhood was spent in fear and pain. Many things didn't make sense to me.. and my biggest goals were to get out of my parents nightmare of a home, make money and [...]

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