Latest Updates On Smartphones And Social Media Usage

    There are SO MANY daily breakthroughs in the world of Smartphones and Social Media. Here are a few that might interest you.  If these large companies and influencers of the world are using Smartphones and Social Media as their top connections, tools and more, so should you!  With love, Sandi Krakowski  Tweets, social media help more officials get the word out  Social media provide municipalities and government officials a quick, easy way to engage and interact with a wide swath of constituents, according to the International City/County Management Association in Washington, D.C.   Smartphone apps now playing doctor One of the latest device-and-app creations to pass muster with the federal Food and Drug Administration is iBGStar, a blood glucose meter that attaches to iPhones or iPads for diabetes monitoring. It's a product [...]

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Gary Vaynerchuk Private Message To A Real Change Friends…

  Gary Vaynerchuk Private Message To A Real Change Friends...  [vc_video link="" align="center"]   THIS just in!! Gary Vaynerchuk, who has ONE MILLION followers on social media and is our "Keynote Speaker" in Florida just made a video for you!     JOIN Gary Vaynerchuk and me in Orlando, FL Ocotber 6 & 7th!!! We're selling out fast!!!

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The Answer For Those Already Working A Second Job, Stay At Home Moms, Single Parents AND Busy Executives

    Good morning!! Happy Friday to you!!   Some of you got up this morning very early.... and by the time you read this email you are already at your regular day job. I commend you for your commitment. When someone has 30 hours to work on their business without a full time job already, I remind them of you. Your diligence, sacrifice and dedication. I also tell them to stop whining about all the 'hours' they don't have.  Because YOU, the one already working a career, have it much harder.   There's a certain challenge as well if you are raising young children in the home. A struggle between hours with the kids and working on your social media relationships. A challenge to know when to pick up the phone and when not [...]

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Who Is Your Ideal Client?

  Who Is Your Ideal Client By: Sandi Krakowski You feel the rush of the cool fall air blow thru the trees as you sit on the deck of your dream house, sipping freshly ground coffee with organic rich cream. Taking in thesights, sounds & smell of your dream, which has now become your reality, you wrestle between four topics for this week's newsletter. Each is a great topic and each will meet a need for your target audience. But remembering all the comments on Facebook the week before steers you toward this week's focus. You begin writing...effortlessly. Beating with the heart of your ideal client has made writing, marketing, growing and expanding your company a breeze. They move and live with you. Serving these customers is like second nature to you. Or maybe not. [...]

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