Traffic Is NOT King… let me prove it!

  Traffic Is NOT King... let me prove it! By Sandi Krakowski Far too many website owners sing the chorus of "More traffic pleeeasssee!!!" The marketing is out there by very crafty service providers that promise more traffic, lots of customers and increased revenue.  However, with direct response marketing a ton of traffic does not always equal income! If the people coming to your website are not your ideal client they are doing nothing for your business.  If you have paid a search engine service company to process your website to thousands of search engines it's time you stop being so easily impressed. This could get you blacklisted..... and it could end up creating a nightmare for you when it comes to wrong traffic.  If your search is for 2-3 new customers per month [...]

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Ask Sandi This Summer Blog Posts- Your Questions About Business! Question #4

  Ask Sandi This Summer Blog Posts- Your Questions About Business!  Question #4 MORE answers to your questions!! We're going through the summer... answering the business questions you have asked! Every week we'll answer 2 or 3 of YOUR questions! You mean the world to me! If I can help you accomplish your goals, it will make me know I've done my part! Come back often to read the answers I post.  With love, Sandi Krakowski Let's build a business AND a life together!   Jen Teague "When negativity shows its ugly face, how do you re-focus & get your drive back? I'm starting a biz & I'm constantly in a battle between my visions & future vs. conformity & normality." Great question Jen and the big key is that you used the word, [...]

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ARealChange.TV Episode #16- WordPress Warning & Alert – PLEASE WATCH NOW!

  Episode #16- Wordpress Warning & Alert - PLEASE WATCH NOW!   WARNING!!!! There's a creeper crawling it's way through the blogging industry and Wordpress community! It's gonna destroy your profits faster than you can say, "Holy SMOKES Batman!" and could end up ruining all of your hard work! Watch this SPECIAL ALERT warning video episode now with my Wordpress Warning & Alert.   Please- pass this on! Give it to your business friends, save their business as well! Watch NOW!!!         

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Let me teach you how to get 50% or MORE engagement on YOUR Facebook and Twitter connections!

  What would 50% engagement and 14,000,000 MILLION connections mean to your business? Do you need more clients? Want to make more money?   FACE the facts..... Social Media is where people LIVE! Truth be told..... even if someone currently works a job in Corporate America, they are sneaking in their smartphone and their iPads and connecting to Facebook and Twitter all day long! Studies show that there are more people on social media today than there was even people on the PLANET just twenty years ago! Let me teach you how to get 50% or MORE engagement on YOUR Facebook and Twitter connections! It's a marketing explosion, for starters.. and it's a whole new way to connect with the right customers for your business! Do you know how? The Social Media GPS Profit Model will [...]

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