Stay Home With Your Kids, Get Off The Phone & Build A Big Business

   Stay Home With Your Kids, Get Off The Phone & Build A Big Business Being on the phone all day is old-school, end that habit today! Building my kitchenware business two things were required to run that 4.5 million dollar business. Ok, maybe three. Website, phone line and Pay Per Click ads. That's it. Throw in a newsletter for good measure and the business was soaring. Today, our company is built with the internet, a WordPress blog site, Social Media connections, email and a Skype line. Our company lines are all Skype lines, each person who is connected to the public is given a Skype line. Our full time employees are able to work from the comfort of their own home, raise their kids, enjoy their families AND live profitably in their career. [...]

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Ask Sandi This Summer Blog Posts- Your Questions About Business! Question #3

  Ask Sandi This Summer Blog Posts- Your Questions About Business!  Question #3   MORE answers to your questions!! We're going through the summer... answering the business questions you have asked! Every week we'll answer 2 or 3 of YOUR questions! You mean the world to me! If I can help you accomplish your goals, it will make me know I've done my part! Come back often to read the answers I post.  With love, Sandi Krakowski Let's build a business AND a life together! Ashley Saffell writes, "What was your biggest obstacle and how did you overcome it?" WOW... that's a big question. Ashley, have you heard my story? From what you see online with hundreds of thousands of readers and people who connect with us daily on social media, you'd think it [...]

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Ask Sandi This Summer Blog Posts- Your Questions About Business! Question #2

Ask Sandi This Summer Blog Posts- Your Questions About Business!  Question #2   MORE answers to your questions!! We're going through the summer... answering the business questions you have asked! You mean the world to me! If I can help you accomplish your goals, it will make me know I've done my part! Come back often to read the answers I post.  With love, Sandi Krakowski Nikia Pinson asks, "How in the world do you balance a million dollar business and family time? When do you decide when to continue working and sit down with the kids? How much is TOO much work?" Nikia I can hear your heart!! You are a great Mommy, let me say that.  Please know, my baby is almost 17 years old.... how old are your children?   The [...]

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“If You Could Spend 60 MInutes With Someone Who Has Made Millions In Business What Would You Ask Them?”

"If You Could Spend 60 MInutes With Someone Who Has Made Millions In Business What Would You Ask Them?" Question #1 I asked this question on my Facebook page yesterday and had so many amazing replies come in it got me to thinking how I could better serve all of you.  We are so blessed to have 300,000 people who regularly read our content through our client base... it humbles me to know that we are able to influence all of you, in some small way, for good. With that in mind the thought came to me to spend the summer answering YOUR questions! Rather than doing a "Massive Cross Country Tour" where you and I both have to leave our home (BLAH!)...... I could answer your questions (and you can send me more!) [...]

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