Will Your Business Work? How to figure out if people want what you have

    “But I know this can solve their problems, I know that once they take this they’ll never have a problem again and I can tell you why they need to take this because the problems that they are having are caused because of a lack of this and I’ve studied this and this makes me an expert on this and when people hear about what they are lacking they will want this… can you write my copy?!” Happens all the time. I've been online for 15 years. All of those years I've written my own copy. As a professional writer and marketer there was a time in my life when I was the voice and writer behind many successful brands. Here's how many days were...... want a birds eye view? Wished you could [...]

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What Does Your Data Say About Your Business?

  [vc_video link="https://vimeo.com/199252915/d894970f81" align="center"]   "The Numbers In Your Business – Reading Your Data For Bigger Profits!"   All through the month of July I'll be doing data-readings with my over 200+ Inner Circle members. We'll weave through how to interpret ratios, click through rates, open rates, bounces, subscribers, profit margins and more! What if just one number is the key to a big launch for you?   What if your numbers are MUCH better than you realized and you can stop feeling like you're failing?   I'll be showing things I only teach to my private coaching clients on how to increase subscribers, read Google Analytics like a "Future Teller" and more!   For only $97.00 it's a steal! If your business isn't worth $97 it's about time you get a job….. but if it [...]

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“The Numbers In Your Business – Reading Your Data For Bigger Profits!”

    "The Numbers In Your Business - Reading Your Data For Bigger Profits!"   I was just getting my notes together for tomorrow's Inner Circle lesson and felt led to get this off to you quickly. Are you tracking your numbers?   You might not realize this but one of the TOP 3 things that creates breakthrough for my private coaching clients is in knowing their numbers and learning to monetize them. Do you know how?   This month, starting tomorrow, July 3rd, we're doing a NEW topic in Inner Circle-   "The Numbers In Your Business - Reading Your Data For Bigger Profits!"   All through the month of July I'll be doing data-readings with my over 200+ Inner Circle members. We'll weave through how to interpret ratios, click through rates, open [...]

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Episode #14 – Muscle Confusion and Other Millionaire Secrets

  Episode #14 - Muscle Confusion and Other Millionaire Secrets In 1981 I started bodybuilding. By 1982 I was competing and winning tropheys! It was a time when women typically weren't even found in such hard-core gyms, yet true to my nature, I loved it!  I love EVERYTHING hard core! :) A secret I used that was just making it's entrance into the fitness realm was the concept of muscle confusion. The musle adapts to strain, pushing and going to it's edge... eventually it will begin to bounce back and won't respond as well. This is when you must 'switch it up a bit!' and get the SHOCK going again. The same principle holds true in marketing. Learn today one of my secrets that has made me millions of dollars and keeps my competitors scratching their head. (Personal note, [...]

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