I don’t have enough time!

  I don't have enough time! By: Sandi Krakowski 5:30 am . I love to have music programmed as my alarm clock, it sets the tone of my day. The alarm sang, "You memorize me." The words to the song spoke of the deep deep love of God and how He knows me intimately. Great start to the day.  I've heard it said a long time ago that the way you spend the first 2 hours of your day will influence the rest of your day. If I want a powerful day, the goal is to make sure it's started that way. No negotiating with the alarm clock about how I want more sleep! If I want a lazy day..... I'll stay in my pajamas until noon. There are scheduled lazy days on my calendar, [...]

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How Do I Price My Products & Not Give Things Away?

  How Do I Price My Products & Not Give Things Away?  By: Sandi Krakowski When you first start out in business it's important to make sure that your offer and your pricing are both competitive and delivering high value. If your perceived value is too low, by being underpriced, you'll lose sales. If your perceived value is unbelievable, you'll lose sales as well. Today, let me help you set pricing correctly. What is your ideal price point? As you price your products take three things into consideration: #1- What is the price my competitors are offering #2- How much do I want to earn on each product #3- How can I be competitive If you are selling an information product be careful to not overprice or underprice your items. Some of my coaching [...]

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A Real Change In Business & In Life eBook

A Real Change In Business & In Life eBook Emails have been pouring in asking if we could PLEASE publish my blog posts into one easy-to-read book. Many of you said that rather than having to come back to our site to read and re-read content that could change your entire life and business, you wish you could have it EASILY accessible on your smartphone, iPad, Kindle, Nook or your computer. Well.... my team went to work and we did it! INTRODUCING.... "A Real Change In Business And In Life" eBook In this exclusive eBook you will have readily available the secret keys to success that our top earning clients use daily to increase their profits and maintain the kind of life they desire.  Topics include but are NOT limited to...  Lead Generation - [...]

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A Real Change TV Episode #13- Your Belief System & Your Business

  Episode #13- Your Belief System & Your Business Listen as I share with you the thoughts and belief patterns of a millionaire, who has gone through horrific fears, struggles and challenges.  Today's lesson includes actionable steps and secrets tools I personally use to reprogram my mind for success. The actions you take everyday are fueled by your belief systems. If your marketing campaigns aren't converting, you can't get yourself to follow through and you wonder WHAT the problem might be...THIS is your answer I guarantee that you'll get at least ONE BIG KEY today. Those who have an ear, will hear. Let's hope that is you. Watch today's episode NOW!      

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