What are you raising your kids for?

  What are you raising your kids for? By: Sandi Krakowski As I lead business owners and entrepreneurs in their marketing and advertising campaigns, there is ONE thing that always comes up.... and it makes or breaks their business. You see, the path to success is based more on YOU than anything else.... and how you see yourself, will live your life and how you'll ALLOW yourself to succeed has everything to do with your business. More than anything else we're dealing with how they were raised, who helped them develop their world-view and how that comes into play in their current business endeavors. This past Saturday at 1:00 am ET we sent our 18 year old son Justin off on a trip to love aspiring Champion boys in Honduras. These are boys who [...]

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I need your help….. can you give a few minutes?

  I need YOUR help... can you give a few minutes? In 2009 I stepped out by faith... with a conference call. People gathered on this call, every week, to hear strategy, secrets and step-by-step methods that had made me millions in business online, all given for free. By 2012 we were serving more than 250,000 clients. WOW. We are humbled! Recently, many of you have been asking me to do the Monday Night Calls again. Only this time.... you're asking for something different. You've specifically asked for training on The Divine Call Of God On Business, much like we taught this past March to more than 250 people in Dallas, TX. Here's where I need your help. Can you do two things for me? #1- Can you listen to this call I did [...]

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Lead Generation For The Home Based Business Community Made Easy

    Lead Generation For The Home Based Business Community Made Easy By: Sandi Krakowski One of the best foundations for writing copy that converts is spending time in the direct sales industry. In my 15 year career I worked in this industry for a total of 31 months and made $1.8 million dollars. I never would have thought it would teach me what it did about people, copy and marketing.... until one of my mentors told me that it was those 30,000 plus phone dials that I did which put me on the path to the success I had in copywriting quickly. Talk to that many people over 2 years and you too will become acutely aware of how people think, how to sell and more importantly, what is holding YOU back in [...]

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How are you using InstaGram? I wanna know!

  How are you using InstaGram? I wanna know! Do you use InstaGram? Are you using any photo editing tools to make your images look great? Or do you just aim, click, upload? This input can help all of us!!  Come on A Real Change Community, let's learn from each other! Post below... I'm reading!  With love, Sandi Krakowski  

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