She’s doing $90,000 per month with nothing but PPC ads!

She's doing $90,000 per month with nothing but PPC ads! The power of PPC ads and internet marketing through a blog works for nearly any industry! One of the best connectors you can use in your business is a blog and social media. Run PPC ads through social media and it's a powerful combo! Meet Julie Ann Muldoon, a stay at home Mum from Ireland! She is one of my top VIP clients. We meet through GoToMeeting, Instant Teleseminar and other online tools to stay connected and to get her the info she needs to build a big business. Being a VIP client means that she gets access to me for re-writing ads, copywriting and more.  Let's look into this site like a Scientific Marketing Experiment: #1- She doesn't use highly-polished models who are [...]

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A Real Change Episode #9- Writing Better Blog Posts

A Real Change Episode #9- Writing Better Blog Posts In today's episode I'm sharing how to write better blog posts so that your readers come back over and over again. Grab your pen and paper and we're going to discuss: Word count in blog posts When is a short post better than a long post How often should you be blogging Are there better days to blog than others How to build a big business with a blog Here is today's episode!  With love Sandi Krakowksi

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The ARC Certification Graduation!

  We are having graduations this month!! During the last 6 months I've been working with Social Media Content Managers as well as The A Real Change Certified Copywriter's program. This month we graduate hard-working committed students who have given their all and are already making an amazing income! When you are looking for people to serve your business that have personally worked with me to get their training, you can now look for an ARC Certified worker.  This also means that if someone tells you they have worked with me and they are not certified, it's most likely a great idea to steer-clear! I'm so proud of these students! People who are already making between $1400-2000 per week. We even have students who improved an already working business and got to 6-figures!  This [...]

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Apps To Grow Your Business With

    Apps To Grow Your Business With By: Sandi Krakowski Edit photos, create images with quotes and more!! You can use these apps for a short blog post, to update your clients, send inspiration and more! Here are 3 ideas you can implement immediately: #1 InstaGram - Rather than just doing a post on Facebook or a tweet on Twitter you can now create a great photo with a little help from Labelbox. Super easy & you'll create new connections for your blog and social media followings. #2- Social Cam- A small video or an impromtu update is something people LOVE! Have an idea? Want to share a tip? Film a 2-3 minute video and create even more connection with your audience!  Use this video instead of a blog post. Post a nice [...]

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