How To Schedule Your Life To Mirror Your Heart’s Desire & Dreams

  How To Schedule Your Life To Mirror Your Heart's Desire & Dreams By: Sandi Krakowski Example #1 People have asked me for my schedule for as long as I can remember. "What times do you take a break? Do you ever have a day off? You have SUCH a big company how on EARTH do you do it all?" For some wild reason it seems people have this vision in their head that I rise at 4:00 am and go to bed at midnight and am work all day long, constantly in my office, never taking breaks and that is what they should be modeling. OH MY GOSH no! Heavens no.... About 8 years ago? Sure. But that almost killed me and it's killing many of you, too. Killing your dreams, destroying your [...]

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WHO started social media anyways? Smart marketers or society?

WHO started social media anyways? Smart marketers or society?  You might be surprised to find out that social media actually "mirrors" the way people already connect. Watch this 3 minute video NOW to get some inside secrets on how to make more money online.

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Episode #8- HOW Do You Do That? Answers To Your Questions About Online Video Imaging

  Episode #8- HOW Do You Do That? Answers To Your Questions About Online Video Imaging You've been asking for beauty tips! The questions come in every single day.... and hold on, they are NOT all coming from the ladies! Some of you guys are asking me 'How do you keep your energy up all day?"  and others are asking, "I'm a Dad and a husband, how do I get my house quiet for video?" Of course the questions about makeup, lipstick, hair products and more also come in. So today, I'm answering your questions! Grab a pen and paper as we talk about looking YOUR best on video, without needing a makeup artist, stylist or other professional experts getting you ready.  Watch this episode right now!    

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BIG opportunity to coach with Sandi Krakowski……

ALL NEW EMERALD MEMBERSHIP  “Make More Money, Attract The Right Clients & Build The Business Of Your Dreams Online!”   BIG opportunity to coach with me...... What if you could work with a millionaire every single month and receive A 20 page printed training manual A LIVE group call every single month Video trainings Google Hangouts Sound cloud MP3's  and MORE access to me? It's possible! We've just opened up an ALL-NEW Emerald Membership that will be a NEW PRICE! New access, MORE calls! Listen now to the details.......  <<<<---- 15 minute MP3 TRAINING about changes & new plan!   Enroll now!        

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