How To Take A Long Vacation, Run Your Business, Make More Money & Never Feel Like You Had To Totally Disconnect

  How To Take A Long Vacation, Run Your Business, Make More Money & Never Feel Like You Had To Totally Disconnect By: Sandi Krakowski People ask me all the time, "HOW do you totally disconnect when you leave every 3 months?"  Some of you are new to our client base and your jaw just dropped as you thought to yourself, "You LEAVE every 3 months? WHAT?!" Yes, every 3 months I'm off 18 days. It's a glorious time of refreshment and revitalizing. It's something that helps me to stay on track, continue doing what we do here at A Real Change and to be very honest with you, it forces me to go have some fun! HA! I'm a geek at heart and I love my computer. I love working online, I love [...]

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Is Social Media For Your Business? Or is yours unique..

Never again ask "is social medial for my business " it's for every biz! Facebook open proves it! We are in a new world! $104 Billion Dollar Open speaks volumes for anyone in business!  Watch this video NOW!        

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LIVE! With Gary Vaynerchuk and Sandi Krakowski!

  Listen in LIVE as Sandi Krakowski interviews New York Times and Wall Street Journal Best Selling Author Gary Vaynerchuk We're talking social media, our event in October and YOU'RE INVITED! Dial in early- get on the webcast! Gary is FAST and he is FURIOUS! Be ready! Thursday, May 17, 2012 7:00 pm ET/ 4:00 pm PST Primary Number: (419) 778-3998  Guest-Code: 604259#   Meet Gary Vaynerchuk, a 35 year old New York Times and Wall Street Journal Best-Selling author who is also a self-trained wine and social media expert. From a young age, it was clear that Gary was a businessman. At 8 years old he was operating 7 lemonade stands in his neighborhood and by 10 he had moved onto selling baseball cards at local malls. In high school while working at [...]

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Wednesday Momma Sandi Business Wisdom

Wednesday Momma Sandi Business Wisdom By: Sandi Krakowski   Hit RESET!! We all have bad days.... As long as we're on planet Earth, some days just don't work out right. It's worse when it starts out challenging! Or maybe.... You got up on time, took the first thought of your day and made it obey your goals.... All is going well and then BAM! Out of nowhere, the avalanche starts! -Maybe it's a technical avalanche.  -Maybe someone in your space who is having a personal avalanche. -Maybe you tripped and without realizing it, your thoughts and your focus went SOUTH! So.... Let's look at this objectively.  What do you do when your car dies? You jump it!  What do you do when your computer crashes? You reboot it!  What can we do when our [...]

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