A Real Change TV Episode #5- Blueprinting, Mind Control and How To Lead Your Customers

    If your clients forget who you are, what you do and why they need you.... don't be surprised if they never come back! Learn on today's episode of ARealChange.TV how to use "Blueprinting, mind control and leading your customers" to not only build a bigger business, but to create fans who love you, follow you and tell all their friends about you! Today's influence and persuasion techniques takes way too much work and many times, doesn't work at all! Learn how WE'VE been able to not only earn the trust of more than 270,000 loyal clients, but we built a multi-million dollar business that people come back to over and over again. Watch Episode #5 NOW!    

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Weekly Wrap Up, April 27, 2012

Weekly Wrap Up, April 27, 2012 Happy Friday to you! I was thinking today how the culture of social media, blogging and email has brought so many of us together. What an honor it is to connect with you every single day, through business. Some of you are working through our Wordpress courses, others are in our Inner Circle chomping at the bit with excitement looking forward to next month's content. Others are working their way through our coaching programs and some of you are actively learning systems, processes and leadership in our mastermind groups! We are SO BLESSED to be able to serve all of you! Today I just want to take the time to say "Thank You". So many people take it for granted when someone opts in to their newsletter, or [...]

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Professional video is as easy as 1, 2, 3, 4 (REALLY)

  Professional video is as easy as 1, 2, 3, 4 (REALLY) By: Jeremy Krakowski Video is here to stay! Everyone has high-speed internet, and people will usually stay engaged with a video longer than they will read an article (or make a video to compliment your articles for maximum engagement and SEO!) Don’t skip out on video in your business or you will be losing a ton of cash daily by not using video, (even simple video) in your business. If you don’t like making videos cuz it seems too hard, takes too long, then I would strongly urge you to simplify it. Don’t make it so hard for yourself, just do some simple videos, and it will increase your engagement and your followers! Alot of people ask me “How do you shoot [...]

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Sandi’s ToDo List Minute- Remind Thyself All Day Long!

Sandi's ToDo List Minute- Remind Thyself All Day Long! The number one question that comes into my email nearly everyday is "How do you stay on track?" And that is followed up by, "How do you stay so vibrant all the time?" I'm honored that people would think I'm 'always' on track or that I 'always' look vibrant! Thank God for good makeup! And .... good tools to help me with forgetfulness, amnesia and procrastination. When I was bodybuilding in my 20's I learned a 'trick' that would forever change my life. It's a daily habit I still use and I want to share it with you.  Remind Thyself All Day Long! Truth be told, I pay people to keep me on track. I pay an Executive Assistant to remind me of what has [...]

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