Quit Rooting For The Underdog!

Quit Rooting For The Underdog! By: PJ McClure     Let’s start with a confession. I love a feel good story as much as anyone. Few things make me smile like seeing someone conquer impossible odds to make their dream come true. The warm, fuzzy feeling we get as we lose ourselves in well crafted underdog stories is addictive, no doubt. But just like any other addiction, it can also cause massive delusions and destruction. The idea of the underdog story is that someone latches onto a dream and everyone around them says, “You’ll never do it!” But the underdog, with grit and determination, applies insane amounts of work and dedication to prove them wrong. Other people who are more naturally endowed to succeed where the underdog struggles are cast as the bad guys. The script [...]

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ARealChange.TV Episode #4- Your Subject Lines & Increasing Conversion

  ARealChange.TV Episode #4 Your Subject Lines & Increasing Conversion In today's episode I'll train YOU how to write better subject lines and get your emails opened! The subject line holds more than 90% of the weight of your email success. If they don't open it, because the subject line is written poorly, you have a 100% FAIL rate. Let me help you not only get your emails opened, but if you use this tip, people will refer what you send to their friends and you'll build a bigger business! Watch Episode #4- Your Subject Lines & Increasing Conversion NOW!! With love, Sandi Krakowski  

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Weekly Wrap Up, April 20, 2012

Weekly Wrap Up, April 20, 2012   Happy Friday to you! Another week has gone by! How are you doing? During the last week we talked about Opt In Offers and how to stop creating indigestion. Then PJ McClure gave some amazing advice on how to stop bouncing and finish what you start! We touched on how important our thoughts out, beginning with the first thought of the day. Then we touched on making sure the back doors are locked in your office! Let's close the week out with the topic of producing more in our business. Do you want to create more money, gain better clients and have more pieces of your life just 'fit into place' almost magically? Here's a tip- Be very cautious how you are with others. It's surprising to [...]

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Call Security! We’ve had a breakin! Protecting your business, website and more online

Call Security! We've had a breakin! Protecting your business, website and more online  By: Sandi Krakowski Right now, pay attention. I have some CRITICAL news you don't want to miss. How secure is your business? Are you treating it like the BIG asset it is? Listen, if you haven't made any money yet in your business that doesn't mean a thing.. many of you, if I were to be given access to what you have....the offer, website and more, there's no doubt I could play in 'your playground' for just 60-90 days and we could flip it into a 6-figure deal, no problem. Just because you haven't made any money with your idea or business does NOT mean that it's not valuable. So quit leaving your side door open! Take out a pen and paper [...]

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