What’s Sandi Reading? Recommended Books From Dallas, TX Event

  What's Sandi reading?  Recommended Books From Dallas, TX Event Wow!!  What an amazing event we had in Dallas this past weekend!!   Thank you so much to all attendees, at both the live and virtual events, for making it such a success.  We couldn't have done it without you!  It was an absolute blessing and joy to meet everyone at the live event. Now that we're all back home, it's time to activate what we learned from Sandi, PJ, and Rabbi Lapin.  I don't know about you, but I'm chomping at the bit to get started!  During the event, Sandi recommended several excellent books to read; books that will educate, and help grow and excite the mind.  Those books are listed below, so start reading! What's Sandi reading? Thou Shall Prosper by Rabbi [...]

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The Value Of Purposeful Rest In Building A Big Business

  The Value Of Purposeful Rest In Building A Big Business By: Sandi Krakowski I have a personal question to ask you.  When is the last time you took a purposeful rest? You might be racking your brain right now with questions like, "Purposeful rest? What does that mean? Is there such a thing as non-purposeful rest?" Let me help you out. Purposeful rest is taking rest on purpose. It's the kind of rest you schedule into your calendar, your staff knows about and it's just as critically important as a speaking engagement. There's a problem I see while coaching hundreds of thousands of people through our newsletter and the clients I work with one on one..... people rarely take rests. If they do take a rest, it's approached with the value of a take out meal- [...]

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A Real Change TV is live now!!!

A Real Change TV is live now!!! We've worked hard.... We've planned, prayed and strategized ... and now..... without any further delay... I introduce to you a whole new way to connect with me every single week, for free... http://www.arealchange.tv Grab a pen and paper, your first actionable step awaits you!! This tip will help you make more money, attract the right clients AND live the life of your dreams! With love, Sandi Krakowski   P.S.  Please, can you help us get the word out so others can have a REAL change in their life as well? We can't do this without you! Let's go change and impact the world together!  --->>>  http://www.arealchange.tv    

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Sandi Krakowski’s Saturday Night LIVE From Dallas, TX Event Open To ALL!

Sandi Krakowski's Saturday Night LIVE From Dallas, TX Event Open To ALL!     We are so excited to announce that our Saturday Night event will be broadcast LIVE for anyone with an internet connection to see! Come join in the fun!  Grab a team of people and gather around your TV screen... (just plug a laptop or pad device in and you're all set!)  This is going to be a two hour training I have spent 15 YEARS PREPARING TO RELEASE!!! Is there such a thing as a "slight edge" and why does God talk about people who were 10x GREATER than others in the kingdom? God certainly doesn't have favorites and He doesn't have specials..... so what on EARTH does this mean?!!! You'll find out and if you listen to the entire [...]

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