Dave Ramsey & Rabbi Daniel Lapin Speak About Dale Carnegie, Making More Money & Why We Must Honor Relationship For Wealth Creation

Dave Ramsey & Rabbi Daniel Lapin Speak About Dale Carnegie, Making More Money & Why We Must Honor Relationship For Wealth Creation There are business trainers today who use the book "How To Win Friends And Influence People" as a way to teach others how to get what they want through people. Quite frankly, in a very manipulative and controlling way.   Have you ever heard this? "Help others get what they want and you'll get everything you want" ??  Have you ever wondered what that means?   Today I want to share a VERY powerful video with you on this topic and more... by Dave Ramsey and Rabbi Daniel Lapin.   Do you realize that money is spiritual?  If you don't, working to make more money will become a painful process! This weekend, [...]

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Getting A 216.25% Increase In Engagement On Facebook For Bigger Social Media Profits

Getting A 216.25% Increase In Engagement On Facebook For Bigger Social Media Profits- Hear how a mother of 12 increased her income by $49,068 in just one month through social media! Happy Wednesday! I couldn't wait to speak to you today because some AMAZING things are happening behind the scenes here at A Real Change International! One of the biggest things is we've had our heads down, studying like a mad scientist ways to increase engagement on social media, attract MORE of the right clients and how to then monetize our efforts WITHOUT being like the typical marketers who only build big followings and then stop caring. As you can see from the above graph taken this morning at 8:15 am EDT from my Facebook Timeline Page, we've had a 216.25% increase in engagement [...]

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Grab Your BOOTS!

    OMG! Can you believe it?! It's almost here!! In just 7 days we're going to be meeting in Dallas, TX! WOOHOO!! I have to tell you I have NEVER EVER been so excited about an event we've hosted as I am about this one... and we've had some amazing events, haven't we?   As we went through the final agenda and got the 86 page workbooks printed for ya'll, we thought it would be fun to show you what awaits you..... Friday night, 7:00-8:00 pm ET  We're gathering to meet in person and I'll be bringing a FREE book for each one of you! Let's do pictures, I'd be happy to sign your book and most importantly, I am eager to just see you in person, finally! :) Saturday morning we rise up [...]

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Create A Movement, Not A Message!

      So many people focus on a message for their business. A tagline, a 'catch' phrase they say, that will lead people to buy more products. There's a better way to build a big business and to be honest with you, it feels a lot better than hyping your way through. Everyday I get these emails from marketers that write things like, "Here's my personal cell, call me" as their subject line and then there's an auto series email to their client. I'm on their mailing list. I shake my head and think to myself, "How can anyone feel good about this stuff?"  You know what I'm talking about don't you? The typical slimy direct response marketing that is after only one thing... "Can I sell you stuff?" We've always built our [...]

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