We’re Having A “Celebrate Our Clients” Party On Facebook All Day Today!

  Happy Saturday!!! We're having a party over on my Facebook page & I want to see you! We're celebrating our clients success AND I'm giving YOU an open opportunity to tell me about YOUR business.  Yes, you heard that right. This is your one time, all day today, to share what you do with my 9500+ clients who view our page! PLUS... and listen real closely... Our Facebook Insights show us that we are reaching 481,434 in the last 30 days! That is a big group of people who are most likely your ideal clients who need what you have! Like breeds like and more than 481,000 people are being reached through our Facebook page.  This is YOUR opportunity to: 1. Post your business & what you do. 2. Please DO use the @tag feature [...]

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Will I see YOU in Dallas, TX?

  We recently had a contest with a post card mailing we did for our LIVE Dallas, TX event!  The best 3 pictures wins!   Check out these amazing pictures!  They are our winners! Top 3 pictures WON my 11 Hour CD set & a copy of my book!!! Betty Hamby  Jimmy Hays Nelson & his side kick Asher  Dr Mark Harmon says he wouldn't do surgery without a scalpel and he recommends you don't do business without Sandi!  To our winners, please write to clientcare@arealchange.com and give us your mailing address so we can send out your goodies!  I love seeing your faces & can't wait to see you in Dallas, TX. Love you all! Sandi Krakowski P.S. Come post your favorite picture.. I'd love to see you!  http://www.facebook.com/SandiKrakowskiBiz

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Social Media Etiquette, Best Practices And Manners For A Big Business

Social Media Etiquette, Best Practices And Manners For A Big Business By: Sandi Krakowski  The world of Facebook and Twitter, Google+ and Linked In has made it possible for nearly anyone to get in contact with well, nearly anyone!  Barriers are removed, boundaries tore down, and as we'll be sharing in Dallas, TX later this month, many small companies can now play equally and powerfully against national brands. With this open door and wide open field, as many call it, comes responsibility and etiquette. It also requires discernment and wisdom on the part of business owners.  Today I want to share with you how to use these tools to build your best business ever and I'll also shed some light on what are best practices when it comes to social media and how you, [...]

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Big Changes On Facebook Timeline For Pages And How Direct Response Marketing Can Help

As many of you know, I ran a very large kitchenware store online back in the 90's online. And we had a big client base of amazingly loyal clients. One day I ran a big promotion on one of the best selling Y2K books on the market along with a kitchen mixer... you do remember Y2K, don't you?  Well, the title of this book I was promoting was, "Don't Get Caught With Your Pantry Down" and unfortunately, my best spell-checking efforts late into the evening didn't catch my typo. Yes, you guessed it. An email went out to a very conservative audience of 30,000 people and we did a TON of sales! What gave me a stomach ache when I realized what I did ended up increasing our profits in a huge way! That [...]

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