Change What You Associate Pain And Pleasure With

Change What You Associate Pain And Pleasure With By: Sandi Krakowski You may not realize it right now but you are, at this very moment, being motivated and influenced by two things. These two things literally control how you make decisions, when you'll make them and quite frankly, IF you'll make them at all... or sit in limbo. Many people go through their day, all day long, without ever giving much thought to these very important two things. Myself included! It's not like I get up in the morning and take a conscious thought of how these two things are motivating me.... but they are. Deep inside my subconscious mind, inside your mind as well, these two things are moving everything, forward... backwards or even holding at a standstill. What we associate pain and [...]

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“Marketing To Service Professionals: Dentists, Lawyers, Chiropractors – Oh my!”

"Marketing To Service Professionals:  Dentists, Lawyers, Chiropractors – Oh my!" By: Laura Lee Sparks In the world of online marketing, social media marketing, and mobile marketing there is so much to learn.  Best practices are changing every day, and it’s something that those of us who love it, stay tuned into. Because of that, we have knowledge and skills that are hugely in demand in the offline world of professional service providers.  Doctors, Dentists, Chiropractors, Veterinarians, Real Estate Professionals, Financial Advisors, CPA’s (and the list goes on) know that they need to be found online.  They know they need a presence that is rockin’ on page one of Google.  Yet, for the most part, they are clueless on how to make that happen.  They also know they need consistent marketing happening, but unfortunately, they [...]

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Nominate Sandi Krakowski & A Real Change As A Leading Mom In Business!

Nominate Sandi Krakowski & A Real Change As A Leading Mom In Business! I really need your help.... can I ask you to do me a favor real quick? We've never really done this before....however, it might be time to do so. Why don't we enter these things? Because I don't want a team of investors asking for ownership in our company. I teach independence and staying TRUE to you for a reason..  Then I kept getting nudges and a few people suggested it..... and then someone told me they wanted to enter us! After praying about it, I figured.. sure.. if it can help others to have A Real Change, I'll do it. :) So here's how you can help! If we have had any impact on your life in the last year, [...]

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Sitting here with tears in my eyes and couldn’t wait to talk to all of you..

    Happy Wednesday morning!  I'm sitting here in tears and couldn't wait to talk to you....isn't that crazy and fun? That we can have this kind of connection, through the internet.... that we can encourage each other and help each other in this journey called life? Ok.. let me wipe my eyes... you guys have to hear this!!!! I wake up this morning and there's an email in our client care in box that my staff forwarded to me with three !!! marks on it. First I'm thinking, "What on earth? Is everything ok?" I rarely get these kind of emails from my staff unless it's urgent so I was thinking the worst... you know where your thoughts go... our server crashed, someone died... something urgent!!  Then I began to read... There was [...]

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