The Real Risk And Fear Of Success In Business & In Life

When you start out on the journey to build your own business there are a host of emotions you'll encounter... some that are yours and some that come from the people around you! Have you had any family members doubt if you can really do this? Or maybe you really have been successful... and people speak condescending words to you like "But in this economy will it really last?" The journey of success demands that YOU work on you, 100%. Everything else is just a mirror, showing you what to pay attention to and what to ignore. One of my most favorite things to do is read. I devour 2-3 books per week on my Kindle! I love to read books by Champions who have overcome, by entrepreneurs who picked themselves back up after [...]

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Dallas Event Update- We’re almost sold out!!! Please don’t delay!!

        I am so sorry to interrupt your Sunday afternoon but it is really important that I get this out to you...  During the last 24 hours something really crazy has happened and I need to put you on notice.... Many people JUMPED at our 4-EZ Payment Option to our Dallas, TX event paying only $77.00 for their seat... and at this point I'm really glad they did! My email "In" box has been buzzing from CEO's who began to ask if they brought their entire team of staff, could they get a group discount.  The answer is Yes, please write to us at if you have an entire team of staff to bring. We'll help out with that.. Can you imagine? Training your ENTIRE STAFF that your business is designed by God [...]

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Read Their Mind With Pinterest

  Read Their Mind With Pinterest To “Read Their Mind” as I taught in my best selling book, you have to learn to listen and watch far more than you do anything else. People are already telling you how to sell to them. They are already telling you what to write to them as well. It’s not a mystery and it’s not something that requires a college degree. The information is right there. But if you don’t take the time to read, listen, watch, study….. you’ll miss it. Many do. If you don’t take the time to pay attention, you’ll end up writing copy that is full of Foo-Foo and it won’t close a sale. It might make people feel good, but when all is said and done, your bank account will be empty. [...]

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Critical Personal Message From Sandi Krakowski- Please don’t miss it!

  Critical Personal Message From Sandi Krakowski- Please don't miss it!  I've just taken a few minutes to record for you an URGENT audio message. It will only take me 7 minutes to share with you something that is BURSTING out of my heart and could quite frankly change the rest of your year in business. Please, step away from your desk and listen to this audio right now...   You'll be so glad you did! With love, Sandi Krakowski

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