Pinterest Marketing… this month in our Emerald Membership!

  The BIGGEST and most powerful Emerald Membership we've EVER done goes live! Oh my gosh.. I am so excited I can't hardly stand it! In this month's February 2012 issue you'll find- Pinterest & Making Money With Your Blog!   My 5 page article and detailed training which is going to show you how to use Pinterest for your business, how to add it to everything we've already taught you and how to monetize it as well! Many of my clients have followed a few simple steps I shared recently inside of our Inner Circle and have opt ins and purchases coming in like crazy! So I'll be sharing with you 5 pages on how to not only use Pinterest but how to make money with it! Also included are some step by step [...]

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Meet me in Dallas to take your business to the next level..

    The internet offers an opportunity like NO OTHER to build a successful business all on your own terms... Moms and Dads making tens of thousands of dollars from the comfort of their kitchen table! No college degree required! Students tapping into the power of the internet and creating $100k plus from their dorm! The internet has changed our world so much so that the 'cyber' and the 'real' worlds now cross over in real time! I've been working online for the last 15 years... and I've made millions of dollars in profits.... all from the comfort of a kitchen table, my laptop, sometimes my deck outside....  Now I'm going to take a BIG RISK here and tell you something very few people have ever heard me say... GOD HIMSELF has called me, [...]

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Know WHO You Are And Know WHO’s You Are…. My friends, there is no more time left for playing around

  Know WHO You Are And Know WHO's You Are.... My friends, there is no more time left for playing around By: Sandi Krakowski The voice of an angel. A great example of one who has been called by God to sing to the world. Yet so much pain followed this gift... this genius who sold more than 200 million albums and singles worldwide. Did she ever really know Who she was? Or better yet, Who's she was? Only she and God will ever know. That is not for us to judge... But as one more truly beautiful and gifted person leaves this earth... it arrests me deep to the core of who I am and asks the question of me and of all of you... "Are you ready to release your gift?" It [...]

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WordPress Plugins For 2012 Marketers Online

Wordpress Plugins For 2012 Marketers Online By: Sandi Krakowski   On Tuesday February 7, 2012, with hundreds of listening students, we released our  WP II class for business owners! The feedback coming in is that it was "OUT OF THE PARK"... and the best we've ever done! Recordings of this amazing event will be available for purchase on 2/15.   "It was fantastic!!! Thank you, Sandi!!!" Sherie Venner   "Sandi, that class was amazing!! I was taking notes like a fiend. Thank you so much. It was exactly what I needed right now to pull everything together. Can't wait to watch it again after the recording comes out!" Beth Heilman   "It was awesome- many notes taken. Looking forward to reviewing it again- but I KNOW I missed stuff. Talk about OVER DELIVER! Sandi Krakowski Does [...]

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