WordPress 3.3.1 Right Out Of The Box And The Power Of SEO Made Easy For The Beginner!

  Wordpress 3.3.1 Right Out Of The Box And The Power Of SEO Made Easy For The Beginner! It’s Easy As… Find a Web Host and get great hosting while supporting WordPress at the same time. Download & Install WordPress with the famous 5-minute installation. Feel like a rock star. Read the Documentation and become a WordPress expert yourself, impress your friends. The easiest three steps you could ever take in developing your own business online!  Baby, you've come a long way! In 2009 we rolled out our very first WP For The Business Owner course and 27 people registered for this live event. It was monumental and one that would position our company as an expert in marketing online. The biggest take away from the call being.... Wordpress creates experts out of anyone who uses it as their marketing [...]

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Why Logos, Cartoons And Other “Non-Relationship” Pictures Don’t Belong On Your Social Media Or Blogging Connections

Why Logos, Cartoons And Other "Non-Relationship" Connections Don't Belong On Your Social Media Connections  By: Sandi Krakowski At first glance that cutie up above seems pretty neat, doesn't she? But as the author of the graphic and I were chatting recently about how fun cartoon characters and cute logos can be the conversation turned back to something Guy Kawasaki, best selling author of the book "Enchantment" said about eyes and smiles. "Four factors create a good first impression- your smile, your dress, your handshake and your vocabulary." Guy Kawasaki He goes on to say that you can actually tell a genuine smile from a non-genuine smile by the 'crow's feet' around the eyes. It's easy to see why he rated Social Media expert Mari Smith as one of the BEST examples for a genuine smile. [...]

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Abs anyone? How to get yourself and your business FIT!

       Abs anyone? How to get yourself and your business FIT! By: Sandi Krakowski   Where do the STRONG go when they get hit hard? They head in a direction that will make them stronger. Many of you know that back in October of 2011 I was hit HARD with a recurring flare of my Crohns and Ulcerative Colitis that hasn't shown it's ugly face in more than 7 years..... and many of you have read in our Emerald Newsletter how I changed my diet, began to live strong and become the person God designed me to be in a whole new way! And am in remission! WOOHOO! But there's a side to this story that I haven't talked about yet.... and that is how fitness affects your business. As one who [...]

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Are you making the kind of income you had hoped for?

      It's FRIDAY!!!   Funny, in the corporate world Friday is the day you look forward to... so you can GET out of there!  But when you're building your dream online, in a business you own, ironically, there are very few days you wish you could get OUT of there! Typically... as our clients start making more money, we have to teach them to just 'take some time off' to play hard and enjoy life.... because they LOVE what they do and they COULD do it everyday, all day! HA!   Let me ask you a very personal question... and please know my heart, I want to help you succeed.   Are you making the kind of money you had hoped for in business?   There are a lot of 'coaches' and [...]

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