What Chewbacca Mom Taught Every Business Owner About Facebook

If you've been on Facebook in the last week I'm sure you've seen the Chewbacca Mom - the lady with the mask from the Star Wars film and her contagious laughter.So many people were amazed by the joy this lady had and how happy she was just being herself. Now, she's been on TV interviews, got to go visit Facebook's headquarters, and her profile has over 750,000 followers in just 1 week (from no where)! Woohoo! You go girl!There's a huge lesson that every business owner needs to take time - stop what they are doing and pay attention to - you ready?This woman gained the publicity with 1 video on Facebook that takes people year's to build - as well as thousands of dollars on Facebook ads to grow - in an instant [...]

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RELOCATING? Don’t Do It Until You Check These “Online Business” Necessities

 RELOCATING? Don’t Do It Until You Check These “Online Business” NecessitiesDuring the last 20+ years I've owned a successful online company. Most of these, I've run from my home. It wasn't until just a few years ago that I actually got an 'office' to go to and work with my team. The process of moving, whether across town, or across country, presents some very important concerns that you do NOT want to overlook as a small business owner.While you are looking at room size, cost of utilities, distance to your favorite stores and more, it's CRITICAL you take your 'small business owner' checklist to your real estate agent and let them know you don't even want to look at a house until it passes the test.The Small Business Owner's Home Buying Checklist:Internet connection speed: [...]

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What Makes A Social Media Campaign Work

What Makes A Social Media Campaign WorkThe emails are pouring in and the phones are ringing. It's been such an honor to have some large house hold names contact us to assist with their social media marketing and advertising. It also shows me that big brands are starting to really REALLY pay attention to what is going on through social media. People are making their buying decisions by what they see on social media and what their friends say, period.  Research is being done there first. Opinions are being sought there first. If you, as a brand of any size, are not there, you are losing. Period. I love digital media in ANY form! Video, audio, PPC ads, blog posts, social media and more! I've also done so many ad campaigns in my 18 [...]

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Where Should Most Of Your Activity Be In Your Business Online?

Where Should Most Of Your Activity Be In Your Business Online? By: Sandi KrakowskiStarting a business can be challenging and exciting all in one, and for good measure, let's throw in a little bit of overwhelming on the side. Life itself has taught me many lessons that have helped me to create the results in business we have today. For example- learning to pace myself was something I learned in my bodybuilding career of my 20's. No matter how badly I wanted to be powerful and ripped, I had to do the work. To beat my body in the gym seven days per week without rest actually would make me tiny, loose and flabby! Dense, striated, strong muscles are the sum results of consistently pressing past my fatigue into muscle failure combined with appropriate [...]

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