Facebook Goes Public… So What Does It Mean For The Rest Of Us Online?

Facebook Goes Public... So What Does It Mean For The Rest Of Us Online? By: Sandi Krakowski Note to business owners and those who desire to "tap into" profits found in the big wave of the internet world.... when a change in how we do relationship takes place, make a note. It will affect your business. In my 15 years of working online profitably (because a lot of people say they've worked online for oodles and oodles of years but haven't yet built their first 7 figure business).... changes have come and changes have gone. When the first rendition of "You've Got Mail!" occurred from a CD-Rom that arrived FREE as a gift for YOU from AOL, everyone was excited.. and this was the voice we heard, over and over again as we logged [...]

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What does GOD have to do with money?

    I have only one thing to ask of you today..  Just one...   Please watch this 2 minute video that we just created...   It answers a very URGENT question for our economy..   What does GOD have to do with money?   Or maybe better yet..... Does He even CARE about money?   It is my belief that we are on the verge of one of the biggest shifts to our economy and the business world we've ever seen.   Are you ready?   You decide... and let me know in the comment section. I'm personally here waiting to hear your thoughts.   It's 2 minutes long... .go now.. please :)   With love for your future, Sandi Krakowski   P.S. If you're at work, grab your smart phone and watch [...]

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She broke their sales records without EVER picking up the phone!!!!!

  SHE DID IT!!!!!   Pardon me while I have a HAPPY MOMENT here and celebrate one of my Rock Star clients, Angela Brooks! Angela has been working with me since 2009 and my very first Wordpress class. As a matter of fact, if you were to look through every single one of the 25+ information products that we have created in the last two years, Angela owns and uses every single one.  She is the first one to get a seat to ANY class we do and I’ve never done an event that she hasn’t been to.   I’ve watched her drag herself from nightshift nurse with the worst kind of patients that doctors and books do not prepare you for… to promoting herself to being in head administration with her own office, [...]

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When heaven invades your business…..

When heaven invades your business.....   Don't worry, this isn't some esoteric woo-woo talk that asks you to spin in a chair and chant so you can grow your income.  Sheesh... I'm so SICK of that stuff.. are you?   I will say this.... that if you want to go farther than you've EVER done before in business, you are going to have to play differently. YOU need some supernatural help on top of your natural. That's the bottom line... And it is my personal conviction that GOD is opening up heaven over businesses like never before...  The moral and ethical reason to make a lot of money and impact lives is a topic that I absolutely love! I love studying the REAL reasons why we should make a lot of money.   Reasons [...]

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