They DOUBLED Their Daily Opt In With One Tweak!

  They DOUBLED Their Daily Opt In With One Tweak! It's like MUSIC to my ears..... puts a pep in my step and gives me courage to do it again!   YOUR stories motivate me beyond anything else I can think of!   Meet Jordan and Steve, owners of SCD Lifestyle and also Ruby clients with PJ McClure and myself in our 2012 Best Business Coaching Program.   These guys are amazing! They are also regular contributors to our Emerald Membership Newsletter!   I received this story just now and couldn't wait to share it with you!     The first is this: “In just two weeks of implementing Sandi’s inner circle Social Media tips, we got 100 new likes on Facebook and increased our weekly reach 28%” (INCLUDING ATTACHED PIC 1) And [...]

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Rabbi Daniel Lapin speaking at our live Dallas, TX Event!

    I have a HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT to share with you today!   As many of you know a few months ago we had our TOP Tele-class ever held here at A Real Change when I interviewed Rabbi Daniel Lapin, author of "Thou Shalt Prosper: 10 Commandments For Making Money". Here is that recording in case you missed it!   The moral and ethical reason to make a lot of money and impact lives is a topic that I absolutely love! I love studying the REAL reasons why we should make a lot of money.   Imagine if you will-   You earn $ 5,000,000 per year in your company You give $ 2,000,000 per year to the hungry, the poor & the slave trade You pay out $ 800,000 per year [...]

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Good Ole Fashioned Customer Service Using The Best Of Email And Social Media

  Good Ole Fashioned Customer Service Using The Best Of Email And Social Media By: Sandi Krakowski This past November, my youngest son, who is now a full grown taller than me young man, turned 16! Not only did we celebrate in Texas for his birthday, but he began to share with me about his dream for a custom drum set... Bobby has been playing drums for a few years now. With his Mom encouraging him to 'tune in' to multiple different styles and kinds of music, he's become so masterful that he now leads worship at our church, playing drums, and also has had several opportunities open to do the same at other occasions. Drums are Bobby's passion! He hears beats in his head. He can pick out beats from any music he [...]

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“The Real War Of Success That Most Will Never Fight”

"The Real War Of Success That Most Will Never Fight" By: Sandi Krakowski There’s a real war that is required that you go through to get to the point of destiny and call. It’s a battle in the barracks between self and fear…. Between truth and reality. It’s the war where you pull yourself up by the bootstraps and you give YOURSELF a good kick in the ass and make yourself move. Far too many people look at those who have achieved success as though they had a ‘silver spoon’ or a ‘gold serving plate’. Nothing could be further from the truth! Every successful person you see has had to peel their way through the mire and the muck to get to where they are today. DO NOT rob yourself of this FIGHT! We [...]

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