Google Page Rank, Algorithms, Customized Viewings And More You Need To Know About the Altered World View Of Google Searches

  Google Page Rank, Algorithms, Customized Viewings And More You Need To Know About the Altered World View Of Google Searches   By: Sandi Krakowski   Have you ever done a search online, called a friend because you were so excited about what you found and you hear these words, "Ummm, I don't see that. Where are you finding this? On Google?" If you're really technical and you REALLY wanted your friend to see what you were seeing, maybe you'll go as far as screen sharing on Skype to SHOW them what you have discovered... and then you might be hit with a thousand pound ball when you realize that while both you and your friend are entering the exact same information into Google's search page, you are NOT receiving the exact same information [...]

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My gift to you…. I’m giving away my 548 page swipe file….

  I'm giving away my 548 page swipe file....   I'm super excited to announce to you today that my "Millionaire Swipe File" of email sales copy, lift notes, email sales campaigns and auto responders is now available!   548 pages 244 emails $5000 value LIMITED TIME VALUE for only $ (you'll have to see!)    We're letting the copywriters of the world have access to this "Fort Knox Style Copy Vault" at a ridiculous price!   For more details go here....   I'm GIVING IT AWAY to two special people today!   To celebrate this BIG accomplishment that will surely bring a BIG shift in the economy of many business owners, I want to give two copies away!  So here's what we're going to do!   WIN a copy of my "Millionaire Swipe [...]

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“I just don’t have the TIME!”

Today I have a Guest Writer who will share with you from her heart. She's an author, a nurse and someone who has been working with me diligently for the last two years straight. This gal was in our first Wordpress I class way back in 2009 when we were still testing out whether or not we were going to go in that direction. I'm so proud of her and so honored to have her sharing her heart with YOU today! I'm thrilled to have Angela Brooks sharing with all of us some wisdom learned on the subjet of time, personal responsibility and what we're doing with our lives. With love, Sandi Krakowski "I just don't have the TIME!" By: Angela Brooks I was driving down the road today thinking in the quiet of [...]

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Your Opinion Matters! What do you think about women, marketing, business and the changes taking place

Your Opinion Matters! What do you think about women, marketing, business and the changes taking place By : Sandi Krakowski This is a very different issue of our newsletter..... because I'm not here to teach, train or instruct. I'm here to listen, to YOU! That's right.... kind of odd, unfortunately... many bloggers and writers don't take enough time to listen to their readers. And they wonder why they lose loyal clients and fans. My best selling book, "Read Their Mind: How to hear what the marketplace wants & build a huge business" taught some tactical and strategical things you can do in your business every single week to make sure you are on task and really in touch with your clients. The way the world was designed revolves around one big thing- relationship. As [...]

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