Creating Information Products- Your First Steps

  Creating Information Products- Your First Steps By: Sandi Krakowski You've worked hard to get your information down in notes. You've mastered the ability to give some step by step instructions in the thing that you previously only did by memory! Now... you're ready to take your first step and create an information marketing product! WooHoo! But then you realize, "Oh my gosh! How do I create these Mp3's? How do I sell them? Where do I sell them? Can I sell them at all? Should I make CD's? What about an eBook? How do you do that? And videos? OH MY WORD I am overwhelmed!" This is the process that we've seen with thousands of our clients in the last few years... and many are now making a huge income selling their expertise! [...]

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BIG Live Dallas, TX Event With Sandi Krakowski….

The BIGGEST live event we've ever done in our entire company history is coming to Dallas, TX March 31 & April 1st.    You don't want to miss this one....   Many of you have heard me say before that there is a enormous shift going on in our economic structure. Ironically, we're seeing more than ever before in our world's history, people are turning to something way beyond themselves to get insight as to where our world is headed. March 31 and April 1, 2012 I'm hosting an event that will shift the mindset of many people when it comes to this topic.  It's the biggest risk I've ever taken and let me just say.. I'm ready. Introducing....  "The Divine Call Of God On Business And The Key Role You Can Play" Just [...]

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Social Media Content Management For Business

Social Media Content Management For Business  Hello again! I just got done doing a POWERFUL training for my Inner Circle group on "Social Media Content Management For Business" and I remembered that we have five Tuesdays this month! That means.... I typically let one video training "leak" out to everyone to get a sneak peek of what we're doing... my paying Inner Circle members still get their 4- Paid Video trainings and private call with me, along with talking to me daily in the Facebook group.... and we share, as a group, the extra bonus training with everyone! Now I could just take this extra week off each month... but we've heard from so many of you that this was the thing that helped you the most whenever we release our videos! So without [...]

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Leadership For 2012 Demands We Get Over A Victim Mindset

Leadership For 2012 Demands We Get Over A Victim Mindset   Friends, we live in a world where people are entrenched with a victim's mindset. They are programmed and groomed to be total victims and never take accountability. My word for you today is this- if you have NO ONE holding you accountable for your business, your role as a leader and what you are doing with your life, you are quickly slipping into failure.  Now some of you might get really hot and furious when I say that.... my goodness we received an email the other day that was 23 paragraphs long defending oneself and how hard of a worker they are but that their life is unique, they have been taken advantage of and blah blah blah blah blah. Ironically, not one [...]

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