She spoke her heart and was hated….. and then her sales grew 866%

She spoke her heart and was hated..... and then her sales grew 866% By: Sandi Krakowski American Idol superstar and amazing recording artist Kelly Clarkson spoke her heart... and was backlashed in a way that not only shocked her, but it opened her eyes. Recent posts on her Twitter feed and her Facebook page show that she very deeply and with spirit expressed how this sort of hatred was intolerable- "If y'all ever disagree with something I say please don't feel the need to attack me. I will listen to what you say and any articles or viewpoints you have when you say it with respect. Being hateful is not a healthy way to get people to see or hear you. I was raised to respect people and their decisions and beliefs and I [...]

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You’re HIRED! I have a job for you!

    WOW... you responded to that fast!  And guess what.... I'm not marketing anything to you today. Nope, nothing. I do however need your undivided attention. We need to have a heart to heart.... so, put down whatever you are doing, print this out if you have to or get alone in a quiet place.  Today I woke up feeling the "Momma Sandi" thing all over me... regarding your business, time management and just a desire to reach out and mentor some of you today. Isn't it ironic that when we set out to get a high paying job with fringe benefits and all the bells and whistles, we make sure the phone line is clear, we check our email every single hour and we run to the mailbox waiting for some news [...]

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Closing doors on WP II class soon……

      Happy Saturday to you! Just a quick update as we close out our year....   The WP For The Business Owner II class is almost sold out.    We will be closing the doors very soon, if not later today. Did you get a seat?   If you are new to working online, hands down, bar none, if I had just ONE thing that you must learn before you do anything else, it's Wordpress.   Once you get your Wordpress site set up you are now positioned to make the kind of money that you want to make online.    But it gets even better!   Fire your web designer! Kick your SEO into overdrive! Generate a HUGE list!   WP For The Business Owner Part II is NOW LIVE!   [...]

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My journey back into remission, fitness & remaking my life!

My journey back into remission, fitness & remaking my life!   Many of you have followed my journey back into remission after I ended up in the hospital this past October...  And some of you are so new to us, you had NO CLUE I was fighting for my life again.... while I was helping you build your blog. You can read the entire story here: My Emergency Hospital Visit- What you might not realize is this.... back in 2001 the doctor's didn't know if I was going to make it.... and then in 2004 I was declared disease free from some very powerful diseases like Lupus, Chrohns and more... And this was a big fat blow to my courage to be sick again..... and then... I picked myself back up and did what [...]

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