Your Business, Marketing, WordPress And More Questions Answered!

Your Business, Marketing, Wordpress And More Questions Answered!  By: Sandi Krakowski Welcome to this issue of our regular online newsletter! Today we are doing something we only offer a few times per year and that is an open opportunity to answer your questions! Thank you to all who posted their questions and comments on my Facebook page! The questions we have chosen are those that we believe will help the most amount of people.  This is from Aesha Adams-Roberts, who is currently a mother of one little girl and expecting her second child in January 2012. She is also a Ruby Coaching Client: "I'd like tips on being a mompreneur, specifically how did you continue in biz as your family grew? I am thinking ahead to the arrival of my baby boy in a [...]

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“The Divine Call Of God On Business And The Key Role You Can Play”

    Alan and I have been spending some special time together here in Hawaii talking about a topic that we have only mentioned just a few times in the last year....  And when we do mention it, it's something that gets hundreds of comments on our blog, a ton of responses on Facebook and Twitter and personal emails start rolling in more than any other topic we have touched on. It's the topic of God showing up in business. Many of you have heard me say before that there is a enormous shift going on in our economic structure. Ironically, we're seeing more than ever before in our world's history, people are turning to something way beyond themselves to get insight as to where our world is headed. Words are used in marketing [...]

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Good morning from Paradise!!

  Good morning from Paradise! I couldn't wait to write you when I woke up this morning because so much has happened in just our first two days here! As you can see above, I'm taking it easy, having fun and this is my "wild side"... what happens when I go snorkeling and enjoying travels on a boat for 7 hours in Maui! HA!   Yesterday we woke up very early and were at the Maui Ocean Center by 7:00 am.... our day was planned to go snorkeling near a volcano crater that peeks out of the ocean, called Molokini. Here's a picture of it. Around this crater are fish and octopus and eel ready to be watched and enjoyed from a snorkel! It was totally amazing!!       You're snorkeling in about [...]

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One Year Ago Today…. and One Year From Now

  Editor's Note: If I had the gift to see into your future, I'll tell you what I see. I see Champions rising up despite economies, personal struggles, family issues, governments and anything else that can get in a victims way. A Champion, as I see one, does not get caught in the everyday affairs of those who live in mediocrity, but they rise, even when everyone else sinks low. I'd see you in the quietness of your office, many times working despite the negative criticism of loved ones. I see you giving it your all on a tele-class you're teaching, despite the inner assaults of Resistance. And you are hitting it outside of the park. I see those who are serving others in a lowly place, rising up to Leadership with a servants [...]

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