WP For The Business Owner Part II

  WP II For The Business Owner….. It's Time For Part Two & Bigger Profits Blogging Online! WP For The Business Owner Part II is NOW LIVE!   http://www.arealchange.com/blog/wpii       Now... it's time for WP For The Business Owner Part II.   This is not a replacement of WP Part I and it's not to be thought of as instead of WP Part I.  It IS the next step.   If you wish you could talk to me one on one, have questions on some of the following topics, this is where YOU need to be.   We'll be covering things such as-   -Advanced SEO techniques & strategies  -First page of Google tactics -Social Media Secrets for WordPress -Simple newsletter publishing -Opt In offer conversions -Squeeze pages  -Lead Capture pages -Massive Traffic secrets -Plugins, [...]

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Your Brain & Your Business – The missing link between ordinary and extraordinary

  Your Brain & Your Business - The missing link between ordinary and extraordinary By: Sandi Krakowski Your subconscious mind is trained and programmed by you.... and the choices you make. You might not realize this, but when you take in information, your mind does not know the difference between truth and lie. It only knows what you tell it. Everyday your brain takes in more than 50,000 thoughts in any given day. Are you paying attention to what you are thinking? During the last 14 years I've been building businesses online and it never ceases to amaze me the things that people do, quite successfully I might add, to sabotage themselves from success. They believe things that are not true, follow assumptions that pop into their head as though they are fact and [...]

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Working WIth Your Spouse And Loving Your Husband

    Yesterday I sat down and wrote out the December Emerald Newsletter content. I'm touching on a few topics in December, one being Your 2012 Business Marketing Plan. You will not want to miss that one!  But the other is very near and dear to my heart....  It's the issue of working with your spouse. And let me make this very clear... I am NOT a feminist. It is my belief that the feminist movement has caused so much distress in marriage, business and life in general for women that we have not inherited freedom as we have been promised and pitched, but we've actually inherited struggle and a serious problem with trying to find out who we are. Ladies, we need a revolution. Certainly there are some women that have suffered abuse [...]

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Happy Thanksgiving And How To Serve More People Through Business

Happy Thanksgiving And How To Serve More People Through Business By: Sandi Krakowski My heart is FULL of gratitude today! We are so grateful for the honor to serve all of you, our clients. More than 180,000 people turn to A Real Change as the #1 Source In Direct Response Marketing for information on how to attract the right clients, make money and here's the big GOAL.... living a life they have designed for themselves, personally. It is our passion to teach you to NOT work for the 'other guy' but to work for yourself! We have had so many amazing breakthroughs this past year as family and we've shared EVERY single one of them with you, our A Real Change family! Alan came home in August of this year and it has been [...]

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