The Changing Faces Of Online Payments And WHY You Must Understand That The Easier It Is To Buy, Make A Payment And Get My Digital Products The Faster Your Customers Will Spend Money On Your Stuff!

  The Changing Faces Of Online Payments And WHY You Must Understand That The Easier It Is To Buy, Make A Payment  And Get My Digital Products The Faster Your Customers Will Spend Money On Your Stuff!  By: Sandi Krakowski Welcome to my Marketing Science Lab where I'm going to show you what is happening in the marketing world. Today we're talking about payments and why the faster your clients can make them, the faster you will get paid and make the cash you want to! Everyone wins! Your clients can change their lives with your products and services and your life will be changed because more money will roll in! BINGO!  This past Saturday Alan and I went out to run some errands. First stop, Kohls. I needed some great cutting knives for [...]

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PR: Best-Selling Author and Online Business Coach, Sandi Krakowski, Offers Free E-Book Downloads For a Limited Time

PR: Best-Selling Author and Online Business Coach, Sandi Krakowski, Offers Free E-Book Downloads For a Limited Time   Online marketing and business coach, Sandi Krakowski, is offering her best-selling book, "Read Their Mind: How To Hear What The Marketplace Wants And Build A Huge Business" as a free e-book download through November 10, 2011. October 14, 2011 -- E-book savvy business readers can download Sandi Krakowski's best-selling book, Read Their Mind: How To Hear What The Marketplace Wants And Build A Huge Business for free for a limited time.   Good through November 10, 2011, the free e-book is available to Kindle, Nook and iPad users. It is also available in a free PDF format during this same promotional period.    Sandi Krakowski is known internationally as the online business coach with the funky [...]

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Dogs In The Office And The House- Building A Dream Business!

Dogs In The Office And The House- Building A Dream Business! By: Sandi Krakowski (With our mascot, Kobe) As many people make the leap to come home and start their own business, many things come into play they might never have thought of when working in a corporate setting. Things such as : 1. Getting a housekeeper- the house gets used more than 100+ hours each week now that you're home! It will get dirty! 2. A delivery person- if you have a list growing you'll start to get mail at your post office! 3. An executive assistant- who can run errands and make your life a lot easier! And the list goes on. There's one thing that will come up if you're a pet lover, as I am, that many business mentors aren't [...]

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Why You Need A Mentor To Get Past Your Own Limitations

Why You Need A Mentor To Get Past Your Own Limitations By: Sandi Krakowski Last week I sat in front of my computer wondering what to write about. My mind was blank, nothing really 'grabbed' me as something I should write about. Then I got an update on my iPhone texts, a news update, "Apple announces Steve Jobs has died." You can read that article here.  Years ago that would have seemed like an impossible task, being able to just sit down and write. I remember the years I spent learning more and more about copywriting, studying under some of the best writers online and offline. One of the biggest things that impacted my life was learning when my 'writing flow' was most active in my life. For me, it's very early in the [...]

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