Sandi Krakowski Interview On The State Of Information Marketing, The Internet And Running Companies In The Next Year!

Sandi Krakowski Interview On The State Of Information Marketing, The Internet And Running Companies In The Next Year! Listen in to a Top Secret interview that will be released at Glazer Kennedy's Info-Summit 2011! Learn first hand my answers to the following questions: 1. Now that we are in the 3rd quarter of 2011, what do you see as trends in "Information Marketing" or business in general? Concerns? Opportunities we should jump on? 2. Since you started your business growing so fast, can you comment so we can learn from you some of the biggest lessons you learned and changes you have made both professionally and personally throughout the years. 3. What are you the most proud of professionally and professionally since you started your current company? 4. Think "Information Marketing" will continue to [...]

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E-Books, MP3’s, Videos And More… How To Market These For A Big Black Friday Special!

    E-Books, MP3's, Videos And More... How To Market These For A Big Black Friday Special! Today's Inner Circle lesson is on creating E-Books, Mp3's and Videos that you can market through Black Friday to give your business a HUGE push forward! I'm leaking out today's Video Lesson from Inner Circle so you can grab some of this guarded information.  Grab a pen and paper..... and take notes! Here's the video lesson- a full 10 Minutes on E-Books, Mp3's and Videos.   Click here! With love, Sandi Krakowski P.S. To join us in tonight's 5:00 pm LIVE Inner Circle call, it's not too late to become a member and receive ALL of Septembers content and you'll be ready for October as well! Woohoo!

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How To Enable Failure By Comparison, Unhealthy Competition And Never Reaching Your Destiny

How To Enable Failure By Comparison, Unhealthy Competition And Never Reaching Your Destiny By: Sandi Krakowski Working with business professionals from all kinds of backgrounds, the experience and knowledge we gain from our over 170,000 clients makes everyday a case study.  During the last month many of our clients are assessing where they are in life, reviewing how they have done in comparison to the goals they created in January of this year. Some are excited and encouraged! Revisiting where they were a year ago at a Mastermind event we hosted…. then their commitment to coaching privately… and now seeing how they not only tripled their income but they also stepped into higher levels of leadership! Others see the success they've created but also, through tears, say they want so much more. There's nothing [...]

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Building Your Brand…. It’s Not About Your Product Or Your Services

Building Your Brand.... It's Not About Your Product Or Your Services This past weekend I spent three days with some of our TOP clients and the woman who owns the #1 Female Informercial, Chalene Johnson. What a weekend it was! As we learned how to create better videos, use the right lighting, speak clearly, focus on one idea and identify our brand, small business owners were taken to the next level for what I honestly believe will be the LARGEST change the internet has yet to see. Even bigger than the role social media now plays in our business, the emerging growth of Mobile Marketing, which includes Smartphones, iPads, Nooks and more will completely change the way we do business online. It will also demand more than EVER that we understand and identify our [...]

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