How To Prepare For The Upcoming Economic Shift That Will Take Place Online, Whether You Like It Or Not!

Editor's Note- Today's newsletter is very special and is of an URGENT nature. If you've read Rabbi Lapin's book that we've referred to several times last week, you'll know first hand that a BIG key to wealth creation is being able to predict the future. This is one of my strengths when it comes to consulting and I am unashamed to tell you, something people pay me large sums of money so that they are prepared for the changes online that are going to take place. Today, I am giving back to you... from one of the most profound mentors who have ever stepped into my space and my business.  Below you'll find  an interview with the man who I call on personally and have come to trust for input on my business.  Please [...]

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Video Marketing For The Business Owner Made Easy

Video Marketing For The Business Owner Made Easy By: Sandi Krakowski   Video Marketing is something that every business owner, beginner or advanced, should be implementing into their business. In a recent interview I did with my personal mentor, Bill Glazer, he said that within the next year mobile marketing will be as big as if not bigger than what we have seen occur with social media in the last two years. (You will receive that interview in our Thursday newsletter, so watch for it! We're giving away the entire audio of this powerful discussion we had!) Mobile Marketing includes but is not limited to the usage of Smartphone, iPads, Kindles, Nooks, portable devices, text messaging and more! Video fits perfectly into these environments! As a matter of fact, viewing a video on any of these [...]

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Mom-Preneuer Sandi Krakowski Shares Insights For Creating Valuable Content Everyday

    Mom-Preneuer Sandi Krakowski Shares Insights For Creating Valuable Content Everyday            

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Make More Money Online, Attract More Clients, Build A Bigger Business And The Moral Reason Behind It All!

I'll never forgot the first time I made $10,000 in one 24 hour time frame.  Excitement. Joy. Fear. Panic. Numb. Why on earth would all of those varied emotions get stirred up? My friends, do you feel opposition to your pursuit of making a lot of money? You should.... especially if you're working hard. The only time this will disappear is if you stop working and you give into the societal and religious pressure that exists.  The societal pressure alone, even before all religious judgments, would prefer you just settle, be content, make just enough and by all means, don't go too far. I have a question for you. How far is too far? There is a moral and ethical reason why you should not be depending on the government, your friends or family [...]

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