Success Or Failure, Where Will Your Children End Up?

Success Or Failure, Where Will Your Children End Up? By: Sandi Krakowski When I was growing up in the 60's and 70's the plan for success was always the same. Go to college, get a good job and you'll be set for life. Ironically, I lasted in college for 4 weeks and quit..... I wanted to make money, not sit in a room with a bunch of adults who looked bored sick and didn't care. Of course there are many adults who did go to college who ended up with a great job in my class, but it became very clear to me that this was not the path I wanted to take. As I went into serious bodybuilding as a career when I was 20, managing a gym and a health food store [...]

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The Flying At 10,000 Feet Sale

The Flying At 10,000 Feet Sale The joy of being able to run an online business and live in this amazing time period we're in means we can have specials, promotions, talk to our customers and more while we're flying! Currently I'm flying home.... and my flight was delayed. I need to have some fun, so I thought I'd do something we've never done before! Are you ready? Starting NOW... Sunday, August 21st, 2011 at 1:30 pm ET until I land back in Indiana, at approximately 9:00 pm ET... I'm putting the following items on sale! (I have a layover so you win when I'm delayed!) The "Flying At 10,000 Feet Sale" !! Ready set GO! Expires when I land at 9:00 pm ET, today, 8/21 Get our BEST SELLER Wordpress course, owned and [...]

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Your questions about making more money online, attracting new clients and all the aspects of business!

Mail Bag Thursday and Your Questions About Making More Money Online NOW! By: Sandi Krakowski Today we're answering your questions!   Earlier this week I asked many of you on my Facebook Page to give me some of your best questions.  Grab a pen and paper and let's see if any of these answers help you go to the next level in your business.   "Hi Sandi, I am in the process of building my 1st income site, and I don't have any content yet. The site is dedicated to giving good information to moms. How would you suggest I populate the site before I start inviting people and build my list?"   Laura Bevers Baker   "Hi Laura! Giving good information to moms is a pretty wide net and generic market. The best [...]

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I have a confession to make…

    I have a confession to make. There's more to me than many of you might realize. If you've followed us for any length of time you already know I'm addicted and obsessed with marketing. Can't get enough of it....  think about it in my sleep....  dream about headlines.... get PPC ads in the middle of the night....  blog topics come to my mind while I drive....  It's a total obsession! :)   Good thing I have strong mentors who keep me on track and only working 30 hours per week... if I didn't I'd crash. But there's a bigger reason why I pay some of the best people in the world to help me not crash. It's because something BIGGER than myself is depending on me each day to show up on top of my [...]

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