The Chicken Or The Egg Of A Successful Online Business

The Chicken Or The Egg Of A Successful Online Business By: Sandi Krakowski Which came first, the chicken? Or the chicken's egg? This is a question that people have fought over far too long... as if finding the answer will somehow settle the reality of who we are. My personal conviction is that the chicken came first and it stems from my belief in Creation. I believe we were created by more than just Intelligent Design, but Supernatural Spiritual Design initiated by the One who holds all power, and that is God Himself.... but I digress.... Back to business. So, which came first? The assistant or the profits? One common topic in my coaching classes is the need for help and the inability to do it all. The question comes up, "When is the [...]

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Selling Your Sanity For Money And Other Business Delusions

Selling Your Sanity For Money And Other Business Delusions By: Sandi Krakowski "OMG... it's the biggest contract we've ever had!" One of my most favorite Ruby clients had just secured a contract with an International client who has stores in every mall around the world. Excitement was high! Expectation was even bigger! "I've never had a client this big! Unbelievable!" A Gold client I had come to adore had gotten one of the biggest breaks in her career and was on track to going past her goals in less than 6 months. "They are noticing me and said that the entire company has to know what I'm doing!" Another private client had made it through the ranks of pay scales and was being watched by upper Executives at her corporate job. Our coaching had [...]

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Business Coach, Sandi Krakowski, Hosts ‘Mindset And Marketing’ Tele-Class For First 250 Registrants

Business Coach, Sandi Krakowski, Hosts 'Mindset And Marketing' Tele-Class For First 250 Registrants Online marketing coach, Sandi Krakowski, hosts a two-day live Tele-class on the core principles of business success -- mindset and marketing. Spots for the business coaching event on Aug. 29 and 30 are limited to the first 250 registrants.      August 15, 2011 -- Founder of A Real Change International, Sandi Krakowski, is recognized throughout the country -- and not just for her pink hair. Krakowski, who has garnered more than 165,000 followers in 17 months, is well known for her ability to take business coaching to the next level and produce real results for clients. Although she has thousands of followers, only the first 250 registrants can participate in her live Tele-class scheduled for August 29 and 30.  Krakowski's [...]

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Email Marketing Do’s and Don’ts

Email Marketing Do's and Don'ts By: Sandi Krakowski Email marketing has changed through the years. Back in the late 90's when I came online we worked with something called Major Domo. This was the beginning of mailing list management. You would have this set up on your own domain and send emails to everyone who belonged to your 'list'.  To subscribe people didn't fill out a form, they had to send a message to the Major Domo on your server and say, "Subscribe". To unsubscribe, do the same thing but with "Unsubscribe".  Major Domo in Latin means "Head Of The House" and this is what you became when you sent out an email to the people who were on your house list. Unix/Perl based list management is how we built our first house list with [...]

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