How To Write Emails That Get Opened And Convert Sales!

I've been writing emails since the early 90's. My very first online company was built with nothing more than PPC ads and email marketing. So I learned very early on in my career, how to write emails that get opened and more than that, convert sales.Ironically, I didn't realize until many years later how unconventional my methods were. Major copywriters would ask me, "Who mentored you to write like that?" I would look like a deer in headlights as I thought back to the hundreds of email campaigns I wrote for my online kitchen store. No one mentored me. But I did a LOT of what I do today. I watched, listened and was very careful to not imitate what WASN'T working. You see, many small business owners believe that to be successful in email [...]

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BIG Copywriting Tip For Facebook Ads & Your Sales Pages

How To Write Better Headlines And Ads (and GET THE CREDIT CARD!)The bottom line of every business is closing business. Even if you love your business, it's driven by passion and you want to help people, at the end of the day, if you don't close business (have money going into your bank account) you're going to have to CLOSE your business soon! Operating like a "non-profit" is not a good sign for a business. Even non-profits have to bring in donations, sponsors and money to keep their doors open!One of the biggest things you can do for your business is learn how to write better headlines, ads and call to actions. The best website, email campaign, YouTube video, Facebook page and even the best InstaGram following isn't going to add up to much IF [...]

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Sandi’s 52nd Birthday – 52% OFF SALE

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] SALE HAS ENDED!! Sale ended March 10th WOW!!!!  I am so grateful for all of the birthday wishes, blessings, videos, cards and gifts so many of you have sent already. You've brought me to tears more than once with your stories, kind words and love. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart! It's really amazing to be celebrating my birthday today. Many of you don't realize that 15 years ago I was given a year to live. Making it to my 50th birthday was a BIG BIG deal. Celebrating 52 is even more amazing because I feel better and have never been stronger in my  life! WOOOHOOO! With all of this joy, I wanted to celebrate my birthday with you - by giving you a BIG DISCOUNT on our best selling products!! You'll see [...]

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