List Building, Lead Generation, Getting More Clients And Everything Your Business Needs In Between

List Building, Lead Generation, Getting More Clients And Everything Your Business Needs In Between By: Sandi Krakowski    Two things your business needs. Just two. A product or service to sell and customers to sell them to. But before you think I'm suggesting you act like a slimey used car salesperson who mentions their product or service constantly, I’m not. The only way you'll ever get to your financial dreams online is to create a list and following of ideal clients who want what you have way before you even mention it to them. It's the easiest way to sell in the world. List building is the one activity that you should be doing daily. 7 days per week, 365 days per year. Building a list of clients to market to is your primary [...]

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We’re Answering YOUR Questions In Today’s Newsletter! Copywriting, Marketing, Auto Responders, Direct Sales, Lead Generation and More!

We're Answering YOUR Questions In Today's Newsletter! Copywriting, Marketing, Auto Responders, Direct Sales, Lead Generation and More! By Sandi Krakowski Last week on our Facebook page and our Twitter profile we asked more than 30,000 people who follow us what their biggest challenges were in the topics  of: Copywriting Marketing Auto Responders Lead Generation  Opt In Offers Direct Sales and more! So today we are going to just jump to it... and answer some of your top questions!  Grab a pen and paper... this is going to be like a coaching session! Melissa Austin writes- "I just don't know where to start when it comes to lead generation and building a huge list." Sandi's Reply- Hi Melissa.... great question. And one that many struggle with, so the biggest thing to know is that you [...]

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Time And Life Management For The Business Owner

Time And Life Management For The Business Owner By: Sandi Krakowski   I've had so much time management training in the last 14 years of business I'm surprised I can I even keep all of this information straight. Everything from letting your life all bleed together, to chunking your time, to do only one thing at a time, to just do what you want with an untime mangement approach to life and lastly, a survivors mentality to time management, wing it and say a prayer! NOTHING, apart from the down and dirty reality of being a stay at home mother, to being a homeschooling mother for 20 years to becoming a Millionaire Mompreneuer has prepared me for life! And the lessons I've learned could change EVERYONE's belief, or at least give a few tips, [...]

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What Is Freedom Anyways? The benefits of owning your own business

What Is Freedom Anyways? The benefits of owning your own business By: Sandi Krakowski When I built my first business I was a single Mommy raising my son by myself and working to overcome the poverty that we were living in. At the time we were living on a $5,000 per year income and governmental supplementation. My desire to raise my son and not leave him with a day care center caused me to 'create' a job for myself rather than going to find someone who would hire me. I did research on one of my most favorite things, cleaning. I studied about cleaning asphalt, linoleum, ceramic and more. Then I created business cards and without any prior experience formed my first DBA under the name Smiley's Cleaning Service.   My desire was to be [...]

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