A Transformation with Real Estate Investing

  A Transformation with Real Estate Investing Brian Evans If you are in search of a financial transformation for money now, money later, and an empire of wealth to sleep on and pass down from generation to generation then keep reading. I want you to know, that a committed and self-made millionaire investor has written this for you in an attempt to open your eyes and inspire you about the real income potential of real estate investing, despite what you may hear in the media.  In fact, I would wager that you and I are not all that different.  I was once a flat-broke southern boy from Kentucky who took the bus to work everyday, struggled to pay my bills, had growing credit card debt, and no money in the bank.   I recall one [...]

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The One Thing That Holds Businesses Together Through Economic Challenges, Creates More Sales, Impacts More People and Ultimately Produces A Long Last Company!

The One Thing That Holds Businesses Together Through Economic Challenges, Creates More Sales, Impacts More People and Ultimately Produces A Long Last Company! By: Sandi Krakowski Business is changing. The way we do business, the way we purchase things, how we make our decisions- it's all changing. And it's critical that you, as a business owner, understand these changes and utilize this knowledge in your daily practices. This past weekend I spent an intense 14 hour day with my Ruby and Diamond Members. We talked about Marketing, Mindset, Social Media and the activities that every business owner should be doing everyday to create long term results. But is it marketing, mindset or even social media that would make a person so excited to gather with this group that they'd journey 26 hours each way [...]

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How Lack, Poverty and Struggle Will Kill Your Dreams and How To Slay These Ugly Demons So The World Can Be Changed By Your Business

How Lack, Poverty and Struggle Will Kill Your Dreams and How To Slay These Ugly Demons So The World Can Be Changed By Your Business By: Sandi Krakowski "Mom, remember when you said that when people judge a person or situation it's really just a mirror of their own life? Well, I think it just happened. " My 17 year old son, Justin, was up early and talking with me after my trip to Chicago. I always enjoy these times that we have great talks when everyone else is asleep. Being a morning riser like his Mom, we have these talks often. I'm so grateful that I didn't have to head off to a corporate job at the crack of dawn and he wasn't off running to school early. If we were, these life [...]

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The State Of Your Mind Address And How To Prepare To Succeed

The State Of Your Mind Address And How To Prepare To Succeed By: Sandi Krakowski Heading back from Chicago this morning, I'm sitting in the back of a big limo. Now before you think I hire limos to drive me around everywhere (which by the way at some point in your income you might want to do occasionally as it's a fun write off and my gosh, we do need write offs!)....that's not the case. I don't drive them everywhere.... but anyways... I'm sitting here in the back of this enormous limo writing to you today.  When I went to the Glazer Kennedy Super Conference #gkicsc11 this week I knew that it would be so helpful to just hire a driver. A beautiful black windowed sedan drove me into Chicago while I was in [...]

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