Why Guest Writing Can Build Your List, Increase Your Profits And Can Be More Effective Than Even PPC or Any Other Form Of Advertising Available

  Why Guest Writing Can Build Your List, Increase Your Profits And Can Be More Effective Than Even PPC or Any Other Form Of Advertising AvailableBy: Sandi KrakowskiIf you've gone through our video vault you know that one of the keys to growing our list so fast and so quickly was in guest writing. We were able to guest write for several websites, eZines and companies. This caused a high quality connection with people who were our ideal client and in turn, produced a big client base for our company. Even with 120,000 people currently in our customer base, we're still guest writing. ( and speaking!) It's a lot of fun!Many of my Gold and beginning business clients ask me all the time what is the SINGLE biggest thing they can do for exposure to [...]

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Steven Pressfield: The War Of Art & Do The Work

Steven Pressfield: The War Of Art & Do The Work    Join me for a LIVE Interview with Best Selling Author and the man who inspired me to BE MORE, Steven Pressfield   Steven Pressfield in his book, "The War Of Art" says it better than anyone I've ever heard before : "The amateur believes he must first overcome his fear; then he can do his work. The professionals knows that fear can never be overcome. He knows there is no such thing as a fearless warrior or a dread-free artist." My fears are actually telling me of my purpose. What are your fears telling you?  Pressfield goes onto say, "If you find yourself asking yourself (and your friends) "Am I really a writer? Am I really an artist?" chances are you are. The counterfeit innovator [...]

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The Spiritual Side Of Prosperity And Poverty In Your Business And Your Life

The Spiritual Side Of Prosperity And Poverty In Your Business And Your Life By: Sandi Krakowski Do you have questions about any of the following? The laws of success The physicological side of prosperity The emotional side of poverty The spiritual side of wealth Why some people always struggle Why some people seem to succeed faster than others Is it natural to always fear loss Should I always expect blessing and more! Below is a one-hour training I did at a paid event. This created enormous break through for many of the attendees. It is now my gift for you. Please feel free to download it to your computer and listen to it over and over again. http://ds1.downloadtech.net/cn1086/audio/16713539621816-001.mp3   DISCLAIMER: On this call I share details of my past that have NEVER been shared before. [...]

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He owns the “Pink Haired Woman’s Market” & Is Enchanting In The Art Of Selling, Guy Kawasaki

Be enchanting! You'll drive your competition crazy, make a lot of money AND have a blast in the process! Watch this interview done at Stanford University from my new friend and the man who now owns the "Pink Haired Market", Guy Kawasaki    The video is one hour long- those who are serious about business will watch it. Those who are playing around will surely come up with an excuse only they believe. :)        To be "enchanted" is to delight to a high degree; to be drawn magically. Recently, a book did this to me! I've never been the same. Many of you might not know that I read on average 1-2 books per week. It used to not be uncommon for me to go through 3 books per week. With the [...]

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