The Mind Of A Champion Business Owner

  Here's a "Special exclusive issue" of our regular newsletter! Typically we don't show up in your "In" box on Tuesdays, but after the call last night, I thought this might help a lot of people. The question is, WHO are you obeying? Are you obeying some coaches plan or vision for you? Are you obeying ever thought that flitters it's way through your mind? Or are YOU obeying the dream and destiny you were DESIGNED for!? I hope this helps! With love, Sandi Krakowski     Make Your Thoughts Obey Your Goals By: Sandi Krakowski     Ever had one of those days? When there's more 'crap' in your head than elsewhere? Don't worry, I know what it's like. Anyone who has had any amount of success understands the role of the thought life [...]

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Does The Three Foot Rule Work?

  Does The Three Foot Rule Work? A Few Facts You Need To Know In Business !  By: Sandi Krakowski   Today's article is sure to create a storm of questions so I'll be sure to do my best to answer them as we move along. But this is a very critical article that is being written with a heart of compassion and understanding for a very specific group of people. My first online business that grew to over $ 4.5 million in sales per year in under 4 years was a kitchenware business. This was a direct sales based company, which means that I purchased the products wholesale through vendors and was able to resell them with a reseller's license. We had more than 400 items for sale at our biggest time and more than [...]

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The Root Of Procrastination Has Nothing To Do With Fear

  The Root Of Procrastination Has Nothing To Do With Fear   By: Sandi Krakowski The habit and lifestyle of procrastination holds hundreds of thousands of wanna be business owners in bondage each and everyday. They start out great, begin to fade by lunchtime, head to the coffee shop for what they believe will be a 'pick me up' and later head to their bed for the evening knowing the sad fact is, they have done nothing. Sometimes procrastination wears an ugly coverup called Perfectionism. It's a cousin in the family of failure. Very rarely do perfectionists appear on the cover of Inc Magazine or Forbes most wealthy. But to the perfectionist, the fear of even getting anything wrong is so great, they hold back in hopes of the delusion of perfect. Do you [...]

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Faith In Business? What Does It Look Like

Faith In Business? What Does It Look Like By: Sandi Krakowski  Faith is the substance of things not seen- it is the evidence of things hoped for. In plain English, it is the DNA of your Divine Purpose and your Passion. Everyday people tell me they have faith to build a big business, but they won’t blog or pick up the phone. Everyday people share with me their plans and strategies for feeding the hungry and helping the homeless but they won’t put up a blog, write an email campaign or create an information product.  A recent episode of “The Secret Millionaire” on ABC really rocked my world, because they were in my home state, walking through Detroit, MI where I had birthed my babies. On this particular episode I saw so much intense [...]

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