It’s just a numbers game? Think again..

  Business Is Just A Big Game….. Or Is It?  By: Sandi Krakowski We’ve all heard the saying, “Business is just a game, break the rules and you’ll win!”  Or maybe this one resonates more with you, “Business is just a numbers game, get enough numbers into your game and you’ll get more in your bank account.”  When we built our first business life was my teacher, the integrity that we lived daily was how our customer service department was built. We didn’t cut corners, operate without ethics or serve ourselves to build a $ 4 million dollar company. Our customers always were and always will be our focus. Are you building a customer focused business or are you simply working to make money? A customer centric company creates a mission statement with core values that are upheld in all [...]

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A Real Change Certified Social Media Content Management Program

    A Real Change Certified Social Media Content Management Program  GET A SEAT NOW!!! Are you looking for a career that is HIGH in demand and has the potential to create more than $10,000 in earnings per month your very first year? Then keep reading. It's not a secret that Social Media Marketing has been the biggest shift in the marketing world to hit the internet in a very long time. And behind every successful Social Media Marketing campaign for businesses, is a person who helps bring it all together. At A Real Change we are very serious about helping people grow their skills so they can be some of the best service providers in the entire world. This is one of those positions we are serious about helping YOU grow in! A [...]

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Do Less And Create More- The Secret To Long Term Success

  Do Less And Create More- The Secret To Long Term Success By: Sandi Krakowski One of the biggest keys to success is consistency. When we do something consistently and repeatedly, not only do we get really masterful at our skill, we also convey a 'hidden' message to our clients many might not even be aware of.  A common fear of consumers, especially in the online world, is whether or not a business will last. Will the business still be around a year from now? You can easily and quickly dispel or at least lower that fear if you are consistent. If I check your website and you only blog occasionally, that isn't consistent. It also doesn't make me believe you are serious about what you are doing. Serious is twins with consistent. No such thing as being [...]

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Keyword Research For The Beginner- What Every Blogger Must Know To Make Profits Online

Keyword Research For The Beginner- What Every Blogger Must Know To Make Profits Online By Sandi Krakowski Keyword research will help you to compete in the marketplace. Knowing what keywords your competitors use can help you to gain momentum quickly in the search engines. When you write your blog posts, submit your articles to places like EZine Articles,  and when you upload your videos to YouTube and Vimeo these keywords will be very important. A simple and easy tool to use online for this research is Spyfu. Spyfu allows you to enter a domain or a keyword and find the SEO value, Organic Traffic value and more. If you’ve ever wanted to see what your competitors were paying for their ads in PPC and what keywords they were using, this is the way to do it. What if [...]

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