My Mind and My Body Are Screaming!

My Mind And My Body Are Screaming! The reality of challenges in life and how to handle them By Sandi Krakowski "Come on! You can do this! Get those muscles to failure, it's how they get strong!" Barbie-doll like but serious as a horse, Chalene Johnson was yelling at me from my Mac Book Pro. It was 6:20 am and "we" were in the basement together, Chalene by DVD, me in the flesh!   Working out is NOT new to me. Taking my muscles to failure isn't new either! But after losing 50 lbs and keeping it off in 2010, I had come face to face with the reality that my post-bodybuilding days were no longer helping me. Sure, I've got huge biceps and an enormously ripped back. But that comes from years in [...]

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This time, Yoda got it WRONG!

  OK, I admit it. I'm a dyed-in-the-wool Star Wars fan.  I was there  for the first one. (I think they now call this one the 4th one, but whatever...)   Then, I stood in line while 8 months pregnant to see the second one.  Couldn't help but wonder if my husband's superstitious Grandma was right about "marking" my baby when he  came out with big eyes and a pointed head like Yoda. :-)    And, if you're anything like me, you love Star Wars, too. Something inside just makes you want to stand up and cheer when you see Good kick Evil's butt, doesn't it?     That's one reason I've always been a big fan of Yoda. I love his spunk and his never give up type of attitude. Hey, I even have several "Yoda Quotes" on my  MARI [...]

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Holiday Gratitude

  Merry Christmas & Many AMAZING 2011 New Year Blessings To YOU & Your Family From All Of Us! As you are celebrating with your friends and family, and we are celebrating with ours- this day could not go by without having enormous gratitude in our hearts for all of you! You are more than just our clients or even our customers, but the family that we've been so fortunate to serve and make a change in the world with. Thank you for that place in your lives.  2011 holds so much for all of us and we are so grateful to be able to serve you and work with each one of you!  With love & gratitude-  Sandi, Amity, Tiffany, Rose, Anna, Rachel, Justin

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PR: Shepherd Of Entrepreneurs Brings Revolution And Change In New Economy

  Pink hair, a warrior tattoo, and a straight-shooting tongue… Her American name is Sandi Krakowski but "normal" she is not. The business world has dubbed her the "Shepherd of Entrepreneurs" because she expertly gives birth, nurses, weans, and diligently arms new warriors in the marketplace. You might say she is starting a revolution! A revolution of how business is done in the New Economy. Yes, our world has significantly changed over the past century. In the late 1800's and early 1900's it was normal for Americans to be self-sufficient, owning their own land and their own businesses. America was not in significant debt during those years and it was common for Americans to have at least a 6-month cushion of food, money, and other resources for emergencies. The industrial revolution changed all that [...]

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