Building A Community Through Business

Building A Community Through Business By: Sandi Krakowski Community, where people support one another, don't tear each other down, help each other to be the best that they can be. This is my vision for business. It's been said that you should never be afraid to lose a customer because you'll still have tens of thousands of fans who love you. Those who stay are those you should be working with. This past week we discovered again what a rich, amazingly kind and supportive community A Real Change has become! This past week my 15 year old son Bobby and I spent the week in the hospital. The day I got home from our Dallas live event he was still sick from what we thought was strep throat. Typically teens bounce back fast, Dad [...]

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Building A Business Is Not A Fantasy

Building A Business Is Not A Fantasy By: Sandi Krakowski The email came in through Facebook. Not unlike others I've seen before, it didn't surprise me, but it did trigger something big in me. The question was, "Sandi, can you just give me a few tips on how to really make money in my business? I am on the verge of bankruptcy and really need to do something fast." Typically my assistant, Amity, will answer such inquiries and encourage people to go through as much of our free training as they possibly can and she'll tell them that Sandi reads all of the emails that come in. I did read the email. And because I take it so seriously the requests that come in to our company I'm answering this email for more than [...]

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Creating A Revolution And A Revival In Business

Creating A Revolution And A Revival In Business We've entered into a period in time where the rules have changed, the benchmark has been raised and the way we've 'always done business' no longer works! It no longer depends on your network of friends, your letters behind your name or whether you have 'paid your time'! There's a shift taking place in business that has taken many by surprise and others have been planning and preparing for it for years. Today, a small home based business can be on equal footing with a long established business professional who has a network 100 miles long. A corporate business and a small office business compete on equal footing. Truly, a revolution- a change in established process and organization has completely 'rewrote the book' of success. Social [...]

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Conversational Copy That Closes The Sale Quickly

Conversational Copy That Closes The Sale Quickly By: Sandi Krakowski Scanning through emails, deleting the junk and doing my best to read as fast as I could the newsletters that I love. While not necessarily my normal mode of operation, I was in an airport and had little time to clear up my "in" box. I'm one of those retentive types, can't stand an overload of things inside of my "in" box and despise long drawn out details and processes. Faster road to a result! You've heard me say it before. I live it, love it and teach it! Then it happened. One email.... began to scan and bam! Reading..... I know I should be doing something else, but hooked! OMG you have got to be kidding me! They did that at an airport? [...]

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