Slow Down to Slim Down, Re-energize and Focus Well!

  Slow Down to Slim Down, Re-energize and Focus Well!  By: J.J. Virgin Okay, I admit it, I am a speed eater. I got into the habit back when I was a trainer racing between clients and I still struggle with it today while racing between conference calls, meetings and Mom duties. If you are running a business I bet you can relate!  One of the things that I teach my clients to do is take time to mindfully (ie not while zoning out in front of the tv) eat a balanced meal of clean lean protein, healthy fats, loads of non starchy veggies and a small amount of a low glycemic, slow response carb every 4-6 hours.   A recent article in the Washington Post shared 7 secrets of highly obese people.  What they revealed is [...]

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“The Biggest Battle I’ve Ever Fought- The War Within”

  "The Biggest Battle I've Ever Fought- The War Within"   By: Sandi Krakowski   I'll never forget her words as long as I live. One of my mentors, a direct response marketing legend  and I were ending a very strategic coaching call. Then she paused and said, "Have you ever read the book, "The War Of Art"? Before she could explain to me what it was about, I was on Amazon ordering it overnighted. She went on to say, "It's about far more than just what you're thinking. Read that book." By the time we hung up 5 minutes later I found the MP3's online as well, ordered them and was already downloading them to my iTunes library. And then I was onto make dinner.... never expecting what hit me! The grill was [...]

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“What does running a business and making dinner have in common? “

What does running a business and making dinner have in common? By: Leanne Ely What? Too incongruent you say? Not so--it’s really simple—it’s the day in/day out consistency of doing the same positive things that guarantee success. Have you noticed when you are consistent in your business everything seems to come together the way it’s supposed to? And have you noticed how much more connected your family is when you regularly provide a family meal? Can you see how much these two activities have in common now?  I cannot tell you how many times I’ve spoken to women entrepreneurs in particular who feel the domestic part of life is beneath them. They see me as a June Cleaver clone with a website because, well, I’m all about dinner and making it happen for you [...]

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“Pricing Your Products & Services”

"Pricing Your Products & Services" By: Sandi Krakowski   "Have the courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing because it is right. These are the magic keys to living your life with integrity."  W. Clement Stone   When you first start out in business it's important to make sure that your offer and your pricing are both competitive and highly valuable. If your perceived value is too low, by being underpriced, you'll lose sales. If your perceived value is unbelievable, you'll lose sales as well. So where is the happy, successful medium when it comes to pricing? One of your first steps in starting a business is research. The research is to give you a better clarity on the market you're entering. This doesn't mean that [...]

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