I can’t believe I’m doing this!

  I might not ever do this again! I've lived a very secret business career. My strategies, concepts and tactical marketing moves have only been accessible by those who either paid me a very large retainer to work with me...... or who paid me a very large amount of money to have me perform my secrets for them. But one week from today that is about to change. I've hid behind a computer for 14 years. And.... I have never done this before. I've made a ton of money for my clients and myself....  Like......Gina out of Hollywood who made $100,000 in one day with a presentation I wrote. Or.....Katie out of Oregon who created in 60 days with me a coaching program that is generating three times what she was earning and some [...]

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Tacebook and Fwitter Can Sometimes Be Confusing

Tacebook and Fwitter Can Sometimes Be Confusing By Sandi Krakowski   How embarrassing! I was on a conference call, passionate as always, content flying through my head and doing my best to get it out of my mouth and to my audience. Social media was the topic. It's one of my most favorite topics lately! So as I began to talk about how some people get confused when they enter the world of social media, this came out of my mouth, "Tacebook and Fwitter can be pretty confusing sometimes, I know!"  Oh my word. What a silly girl. I simply apologized and said I am occasionally blonder than I pay to be.... and went on explaining that when you first take a look at social media, it can indeed be confusing. Social media is [...]

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What’s In It For Me? A Fresh Look At The USP Of Your Business

What's In It For Me? A Fresh Look At The USP Of Your Business  By Sandi Krakowski   Beginning business builders have a soft spot in my heart. I remember how it was to work my way through the guesswork, the systems and the tasks of every single day in my new business. Managing a family, homeschooling my children and just the everyday activities that go with these two things put me in a position where decisions had to be made quickly or I would fail.  To many this might sound like a risk but it actually proved to be very valuable in my career of building businesses. Being forced to make quick decisions, act on what I could and aim later was a normal way of doing business. It wasn't until Michael Masterson [...]

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Indianapolis Marketing CEO Brings Live Event For Recession-Proof Marketing Strategy

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 26, 2010 –Is it possible that the recession can actually mean INCREASED profits for your business? "Absolutely!" said A Real Change Int’l Publisher and CEO Sandi Krakowski in a groundbreaking speech to a group of elite business, marketing, and self-improvement thought leaders. At the invitation-only Marketing event she revealed her "Social Media & Internet" approach to boosting profits in any marketing campaign. Krakowski explained that using the internet as a marketing channel any small or large business could effectively extend it’s reach and connect with more potential customers. “People are online more hours than ever,” Krakowski explained, “understanding how to market to buyers on Smartphones, iPads and browsing the web is key. The Internet and social media offer an effective tool for reaching them, building rapport and gaining loyal customer [...]

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