Make Social Media Your Slave

  Make Social Media Your Slave By: Sandi Krakowski Sometimes you hear something online that is so out there- so ridiculous- so stupid actually that you wonder if the person who said it was joking. But if you're like me, I begin asking all the right questions to lead me to where I need to be in my business when this kind of thing arises.   A few months ago I heard a very popular business person say these words, "What the heck are you spending all that time on Facebook for? Go build your business."   Made me laugh actually. Because you see last year I started a little test with some marketing through Social Media. It earned me a nice 6-figure income over 12 months. Then we kicked it up a notch [...]

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Creating A URL And Domain Name That Is Unforgettable

  Creating A URL And Domain Name That Is Unforgettable By: Sandi Krakowski When you make the choice to start your own company website one of the first things you'll need to do is create a URL for your business. This is where you'll send people and how you will be found through the search engines.  The goal is simple. Come up with something that is easy to remember, easy to spell and easy to find. It can be keyword rich but it doesn't necessarily have to be. Better to be simple to spell and easy to remember than something that is keyword rich that most people can't remember and always forget how in the world it is spelled. There are a few secret tips for selecting a good URL name that are very [...]

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Then what…..

    You have a website, people are coming to your website..... their opting in.... now what?! Watch this video I made for you this morning as I was taking my walk with puppy. "Announcing A NEVER Before-Available Opportunity For "Ultra Specific Secrets" to see Exactly How I Created My Explosive Business That Has Grown Beyond 7- Figures!"    

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The Seasons In Life And The Seasons In Business

  (Rachel, Momma of Two, Beauty Advisor, Home Business Woman) Time and life management can be under your mastery. You just need to have the confidence that most experts do and realize- you are already hard wired and designed to be your own personal life expert. Just listen to the clues.  Knowing what to do through each stage of your business is key. What worked a few years ago might not work now. If something served you and your family well in the past it doesn't mean it will serve you well today. Be willing to let it go and receive all that you've been desiring. In today's article I'd like to help you find that secret. As we enter our 20th year of homeschooling I'm once again reminded of the truth in this [...]

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