Wisdom For New Small Business Owners….. from home and real life!

Today Sandi shares a quick video with her exclusive Inner Circle Mastermind giving some very helpful wisdom for small business owners. As many of you may know, she's a new Mimi!! Her first grandson, Luka, was born last week. In this video, that is going viral on Facebook, she shares wisdom for new business owners that she gained by being a new Mommy many years ago.Watch now and share with your team! Here's a beautiful photo of the new baby!

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When It’s So Dark, You Can’t Find The Light…… My Own Battle With Depression

When It's So Dark, You Can't Find The Light...... My Own Battle With DepressionBeing powerful doesn't mean we don't struggle. It doesn't mean we can always just snap ourself out of difficulties, or challenges. It does mean we do whatever we can, to change things. But when we're struggling to even do that, it means we admit it, and get some help. There was a time in my life when the darkness was so bad, I could not find the light. I remember what it is liked to be so depressed I didn't want to live.My first experience with depression happened when I was a single mother. I was doing everything by myself, with my son. Days of no sleep, fear and worry plagued me. But then it got really bad and I sank [...]

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How To Make More Money FAST In Any Business (Or how to start one!)

How To Make More Money In ANY Business Fast! I remember the first time I realized I didn't want to work for someone else, it wouldn't fit into the lifestyle I wanted and I had to find a way to make money. I was 24 years old, a single pregnant mommy and working a traditional 40 hour job was not cutting it for me. Exhausted and weary was an understatement. There was no way this was going to work for me. So I got creative, and decided I could make more money per hour by doing something else.That's the path most people initially take to make more money and increase their income- make more money per hour. The questions buzz through our head over and over again, "How can I get a better job and [...]

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Writing Better Facebook Ads In Three Easy Steps

[FREE TRAINING] Writing Better Facebook Ads In Three Easy StepsI wrote my first pay per click ad in the 1990'2 when Overture existed. For those of you who are just starting out, this is the company that used to dominate before two guys left college and pursued their dream to create something called Google. If we add up the amount of years I've been in business times a minimum of 30-40 ads per week, that means I've written well over 50,000 pay per click ads. You can imagine my concerns when a new student in my small business classes gets frustrated when they can't 'make it work' after the first 30 days, or the first 5 ads, or the first 2 training videos.In a college level classroom we'd never expect to learn things instantly. Can you [...]

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