Hello WordPress 3.0! We’re so glad you’re here!

Can you say YAHOOOOO with me!!  Welcome Wordpress 3.0! We'll be teaching from this version of Wordpress in all of our Summer Classes and more importantly in our Forever WP Community! Implement custom backgrounds Create headers and simple install Shortlinks Menus Post types and more! Here's the creator of Wordpress, Matt Mullenweg sharing at the 2010 State Of The Word speech. Enjoy!      

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Blogging and Keyword Research

  Keyword Research For The Beginner By Sandi Krakowski Keyword research will help you to compete in the marketplace. Knowing what keywords your competitors use can help you to gain momentum quickly in the search engines. When you write your blog posts, submit your articles to places like EZine Articles, when you upload your videos to YouTube and Vimeo these keywords will be very important. A simple and easy tool to use online for this research is Spyfu. Spyfu allows you to enter a domain or a keyword and find the SEO value, Organic Traffic value and more. If you’ve ever wanted to see what your competitors were paying for their ads in PPC and what keywords they were using, this is the way to do it. What if you could be a ‘fly [...]

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Is WordPress Putting SEO Copywriters Out Of Business?

You Can Kiss Your SEO Specialist Goodbye! This past Monday I did a video for my Inner Circle group on how to use some of the fun plugins that Wordpress offers. It’s amazing how these simple ‘attachments’ to Wordpress can run like little programs and robots for you behind the scenes. SEO plugins are some of the most vital tools you’ll ever use! Having come from several years of intensive training in online and web copywriting I have a pretty good understanding of what an SEO Copywriter should and shouldn’t be able to do. If someone specializes in writing sales copy for the online market they are most often referred to as a Web or Internet Copywriter. They write online sales pages, email campaigns, PPC ads. But when someone tells me that doing optimization [...]

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How To Not Get Robbed By A Web Designer

How To Not Get Robbed By A Web Designer Common Sense With Wordpress Customization   “Dear Sandi,   I recently went through your Wordpress class and was ready to do a little customization to my Wordpress site. Knowing that I would have to hire a graphics designer to do this I was glad I had your input already. You can imagine my surprise when someone quoted me $4500 to do a few customization edits and create a header for me. Thank you so much for showing me, that is fraud!   Marsha “ Ok, ok. To all my web designers on this list, take a deep breath and please read through this entire article before you think that I’m on a hunt to disarm you. Actually if you hang around me long enough you’ll [...]

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