90 Day Mentorship Preview

Fill out your application now!! Applications being taken through June 3rd at 2pm ET CLICK HERE NOW!   Give Me 90 Days And I'll Give You An Income For Life! Announcing the first ever 90-day intensive Mentor Program with me, Sandi Krakowski!  I want to show you step by step just how much you can learn from live, on-the-spot mentoring with me. Through the last 14 years I've built many 6 & 7 figure companies and have helped my clients to make millions of dollars in their respective companies in various roles that include: Copywriter Marketer Consultant VP of Marketing President of Marketing President of Social Media This is my way of giving back to 10 people this year. Those who enroll will see a huge change in their life. This is going to [...]

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The Latest Bullet In Marketing Wars

  There is not one business in the entire world that couldn’t benefit from Wordpress. Whether you are an information marketer, a consultant in a direct sales company, a coach, musician, clothing designer, chiropractor, dentists, surgeon, attorney or anything else for that matter, your business will soar if you use Wordpress as your publishing platform. The big difference between just a website and a publishing platform that streams all of your content into search engines, social media and more is like hunting with bullets or using a squirt gun! They don’t compare. Where we live deer run across my 6 acres every single day. Most times there are more than 6 at a time. Yes, they herd just like people do. If I attempted to take one of those Bambis out and make jerky [...]

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Why your web guy hates WordPress

  Over and over again I hear that my clients are encountering a probem with their Webmaster or their Web designer when it comes to wanting to make a switch over to Wordpress. Some of the comments and emails included: "My web person told me that going into Wordpress would limit what I would be able to do with my blog." "My webmaster told me that if I built my site in Wordpress they would refuse to manage it and I could find someone else. " "My designer told me that to get my website into Wordpress it would take 90 days and it would cost about $12,000. We're starting an entirely new site, how is this possible?" If you have encountered some of these 'excuses' that your web master might have come up [...]

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Themes, Themes, Themes! Which One Is Best For Your Business?

When you bring your business online the first thing you'll need is a website. The top choice of over 8,000 sites on the Intra-net is Wordpress. The most influential people and companies in the world are using Wordpress. No small wonder it's the most universal online publishing platform in the world. Maybe you didn't realize that eBay, Oprah and even the Whitehouse uses Wordpress for their website. Just take one look at the thousands of companies listed at http://www.wordpress.org and you'll see that if you aren't built in Wordpress- you'll want to switch fast! I've had clients tell me that some web designers and graphic designers advised them against Wordpress. The only reason this would occur is if a person didn't know how to edit and refine Wordpress. Years ago the best websites made [...]

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