When autoresponders can be a hazard to your business

  Recently I was on a website and subscribed to their updates. The opt-in form didn't say that I was opting into a product auto-series but it became very obvious that this is what the form was originally set up for. It also became obvious that the pages that were once targeted in the email auto-series were no longer live, the dates were old (over a year!) and no one had bothered to disable this form.   Do you have an opt-in form on your website?   Do you have products or services that you sell?   How are you currently staying in contact with all of your clients?   Our email list here at A Real Change has seen a 590% increase in the last two weeks. We were honored to be featured [...]

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Puppies at our house today make it hard to work

Dont you just love new puppies? Even their puppy breath is cute! Sure, they make messes, but don't we all?   Today we got our new 6 week old puppy. Here's a cute 2 minute video we just took.    His name is Kobe B Krakowski. Isn't he adorable? My boys are having a blast!   I sure am glad they are homeschooled and can have a blast with him as he grows up. We're doing "Wordpress training and Puppy 101" today.  I'm teaching my boys how to customize Wordpress sites. They are my employees now!  Love this life I live!   Make it an amazing day! Sandi Krakowski http://www.ARealChange.com   ps.... the registration for the Wordpress I class ends tomorrow- don't delay, the next class won't be until June. Hope to see you [...]

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Kobe Bryant Uses Direct Response Marketing

  How's it going?   Read that headline again and if you're as shocked as I am.... keep reading.   A client, Gina Alexander from Hollywood called me three nights ago frantic. I thought someone had died or she was in trouble!It was none of these.   She was going wild crazy because Lady Gaga had called and wanted Gina to create purses for her product line. This amazingly gifted woman, Gina, started a business to fund her own adoptions when she found out she couldn't bear children. She is now featured world wide with celebrities abroad. You can see at: http://www.GinaAlexander.com   She called me because recently she asked me to teach her consultants how to use the internet and Wordpress. But that isn't why she called.    Gina partners with Kobe Bryant.. [...]

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Writing A Post While Teaching A Live WP Class

I'm online today working with 12 people in a WebEx environment. These are new business owners in the Direct Sales industry who are learning how to use Wordpress, Web Copy & Blogging to build their business with the best the internet offers. Not all websites are created equal I've noticed in the last 14 years that working online has evolved to a place that most people never expected.  With some casual research however nothing has come 'down the pike' so to speak that hasn't already been announced. There is NO top-secret-society information!  This is all public knowledge! For example, I'm seeing ALL OVER FACEBOOK this warning from some of my friends that you have to remove the connection between sites that Facebook is doing.  This might be true if you hang out on Facebook [...]

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