Life as a Cat

Hi Everyone!   I hope you're having an amazing day!   This is my babydoll Latte'. I call him my "Cinnamon Spiced Latte'" because he has the orange markings on his face.  He's a lover! A Ragamuffin cat grows to be over 22 lbs and he is pushing that to the limit. ( I think he might be 23!)   The funniest thing this cat does is at nighttime. I wonder if it's because he's part Lynx. As soon as the lights go out and the house settles he awakes from his catnap ( daylong nap!) and goes flying and zipping through the house, all 23 lbs of him making this very distinct noise! Meoorooooowww!!  Apparently there are invisible creatures I've yet to meet that he sees at night time and he's letting them [...]

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A Pimp On Every Billboard

  In the last few months we've seen a horrific downfall of an incredible role model to families, future athlete's and our children. Or at least we thought he was that. As he smiled and told us his story of youth to stardom little did we know that corruption had set in and Tiger Woods was not all he appeared to be. As a marketer for 14 years I often follow trends, fads and beyond that, what WORKS in the marketing world. We all know that SEX sells. But when a celebrity or sponsor for a wholesome industry falls, what do we do next? Athletes are viewed as the people to listen to by our kids. They influence at a level that very few others do. So when a company permits their star athlete [...]

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Business Plans and Brainstorming

Business plans and brainstorming can be good for your business but it could also be your BIGGEST problem! MaryEllen Tribby of had this to say: "Great video - solid thinking and execution." Do you find yourself more excited about your latest greatest plan than you ever do crossing the finish line? Are you the kind of person who just LIVES for a brainstorming session, it's the highlight of your week- but you just don't seem to ever implement everything you were excited about? Maybe your the person who lives for lists- you just love having everything all laid out and checking things off as you go. But what if your business plan is not working, your customers do NOT get your message and you can't stand not completing a list?! What do you [...]

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Our Online Classes Now Viewable On Smartphones!

You can now watch meetings from your iPhone or other Smartphone!  NEW UPDATE TO ONLINE CLASSES! How these classes are held- Please review this page to see how this AMAZING Web Ex Environment works!!      "Keys To The Online 'Vault' Of Success Like You've Never Seen It Before! Get Rid Of The College To Corporate America Mindset Once And For All!" An Online 'College' For 6 & 7 Figure Business Growth! Training from an online marketer with  proven profits in countless industries! Learn from someone who has done more than master the curriculum but has done what they teach! Don't DELAY!! Register today for a class for your business!    Wordpress I-  May 3 & 10, 2010 Wordpress I- For the beginning business owner. We'll create a business site for you BEFORE [...]

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