Brain Clogged? Try This!

Do You Suffer From Business Brain Blockage? Business owners are an interesting breed. They notice things others don't even see let alone notice, they think about 3-5 things at one time and do it coherently. Their view on stress is that there is a destructive stress and there's a productive stress- knowing the difference however at times can be a challenge. Business owners typically don't make very good employees. They also give their opinion, won't chit chat about things that don't make money, get frustrated when tasks take too long and think drama is something that should stay on the television and the hell out of the office. But business brain blockage is becoming an epidemic! Have you ever had a throbbing nasty sinus headache? You know the kind that starts at the top [...]

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Getting more traffic doesn’t always mean more profits

Far too many website owners sing the chorus of "More traffic pleeeasssee!!!" The marketing is out there by very crafty service providers that promise more traffic, lots of customers and increased revenue. However with direct response marketing a ton of traffic does not always equal income! If the people coming to your website are not your ideal client they are doing nothing for your business.  If you have paid a search engine service to process your website to thousands of search engines at a time it's about time you stop being so easily impressed. If your search is for 2-3 new customers per month you really are not running a business. But to find 100 new unique visitors who are targeted strategically for your product or service is another story. Traffic is not king. [...]

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She commented on MY video?!

  This is urgent. I have to ask you this critical question! What would YOU do if someone who worked personally with Forbes Magazine, was Publisher & CEO of Early to Rise where she was responsible for growing the business from $8 million in sales to $26 million in just 15 months. Before that, she served as President of Weiss Research where she led the company to $67 million in sales from $11 million in just 12 months..... commented on YOUR Facebook page and your video? Yeah, me too. I nearly freaked out. She's my coach and she's someone I've had the honor to personally be working with and for in the last several months. MaryEllen Tribby, known as the "Money Honey" in the Internet Marketing world had this to say about a recent video [...]

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Why Are You Paying Someone Else To Set Up Your Website?

   Do you have a budget of $ 15,000 to hire me to write your copy, build your website and do all the work for you OR would you like to learn how I do what I do? When I came online 14 years ago I never had any idea the vast knowledge I'd eventually be able to share with people. Beyond just knowledge of the good, the bad and the ugly of what it's really like to build a business online- I also possess results. I've seen huge businesses grow fast and businesses that could have grown...can also sink quickly. I've seen it all, experienced it all and have personally made millions for myself and my clients online.  Through the years I've taught how to write better copy, how to do PPC ads [...]

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