Go To College, Get A Good Job, You’ll Be Set For LIFE!

Maybe you were given this pitch when you in grade school just like I was. If you were a girl in the 60's it wasn't typically directed to you but regardless, you heard it growing up. "Go to college, get a good job and be set for life." So let me ask you something- what is missing from this message? What does college promise anyways that assures you of a good job and a set for life living? Face it- colleges are Direct Sales companies that sell a future and promise an income. They have been doing pretty good with their direct response marketing!  Even recently the leaders of our nation sold the notion that if you were out of work the best thing you could do to secure a better future was to [...]

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Building A Big List Doesn’t Matter If Your People Don’t Know You

The money is in the list! You've heard it before. Build a big list and then monetize the list! Build it as big as you can! People brag about their lists with 5 million followers on it. They brag about how they are gonna be rich one day. But it never happens. Because you see, building a big list doesn't matter if your people don't know you. If they aren't passionate about the things you are writing about. In plain English if everything you send out gets put into the trash before it's ever read. MaryEllen Tribby, the CEO of WorkingMomsOnly.com  recently published an article that hits this topic hard. She said, "Any monkey can build a list!" If you generate leads and build a list with the lowest hanging methods such as PPC, CoReg, List [...]

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Getting Results With Your Email Campaigns

  One of the services that we provide here at CopyWithResults, LLC is writing email marketing campaigns, newsletters and auto-responders. It is one of the skills that has earned us quite a reputation. During the Christmas holiday several clients hired us to write their campaigns and cashed in on over $ 250,000 between them all in a one week period. Cash, in the bank, profits. So how do you get a higher click through ratio and conversion when you write email campaigns to your clients? By writing like it's not an email. The email 'In" box is a private place where people communicate. It has replaced the landline for some folks. Recent studies show that many families do not even talk on their landline anymore and use email or text as their main mode [...]

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Make More Money Online, Seriously!

I am so fed up with trainers who have NOT personally made MILLIONS of dollars online and are just coaches who know how to ... ah... coach. Yeah, that's it. They coach, they motivate but the CASH is not in the bank account after you go thru their classes! If you want to MAKE MORE MONEY and want to put more cash into your bank account- Watch this video. NOW. Or click here- NOW! Make More Money, SERIOUSLY! from Sandi Krakowski on Vimeo.

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